I´m fuckin´ disappointed...

SSJ4SephirothX said:
Yes, but I'm not going to get into my thoughts. On a lighter note, ti si jedna seksi ovca :lol:

There is a story behind that..........sort of.

I'm sure everyone would be pleased to hear that about him/herself. :loco: :Spin:

Where did you learn that? :tickled:

Ralf said:
tell your croatian friend this: " Zelim lizati tvoju toplu i mokru picku cijelu noc!" :)

Hello.... :wave: :grin: ;) :flame::kickass::yow::Saint:
Heh heh - " Zelim lizati tvoju toplu i mokru picku cijelu noc!" ... So... This is in Croatian? Well it sounds a lot like Bulgarian (my fuckin' native language), although there are a few differences. But this sentence from Bulgarian to English would be translated like:
"I want to lick your hot and wet pussy the whole night"
Cool, eh? ... Sooo Ralf, you Croatian badass, how did I do translating this sentence? If Bulgarian is in any way similar to Croatian, this would be the translation >:)
Hmmm you'll decide if the two languages are similar. I'll give you an example... "Jebem tvoju materu" in my language sounds like "da ti eba majkata"... They differ allright, but I know Russian, too, and your language sounds just like a mix between Russian and Bulgarian.
jazie said:
Heh heh - " Zelim lizati tvoju toplu i mokru picku cijelu noc!" ... So... This is in Croatian? Well it sounds a lot like Bulgarian (my fuckin' native language), although there are a few differences. But this sentence from Bulgarian to English would be translated like:
"I want to lick your hot and wet pussy the whole night"
Cool, eh? ... Sooo Ralf, you Croatian badass, how did I do translating this sentence? If Bulgarian is in any way similar to Croatian, this would be the translation >:)
Hmmm you'll decide if the two languages are similar. I'll give you an example... "Jebem tvoju materu" in my language sounds like "da ti eba majkata"... They differ allright, but I know Russian, too, and your language sounds just like a mix between Russian and Bulgarian.

Hm, Ralf isn't Croatian, or is he?

You translated it well :loco:

Now translate "Jebem ti mater" into english... "I FUCK YOUR MOTHER!" :ill: :tickled: