I am a lucky bastard


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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So anyway, there I am at a happy psychedelic trance rave on new years eve, quite sufficiently "stoned" on pure mdma, and I notice the sound engineer guy is wearing a black water park t-shirt. Feeling quite happy, quirky, extroverted, and freakish, I walk over to him and say "Opeth are the coolest thing ever." He says something to the effect of (I don't remember precisely): "Yea, I think so too."

What followed was a great deal of amazing conversation regarding opeth off and on over the course of the next 5 hours, we probably chatted for about an hour total (he was the sound guy, he had shit to do, otherwise I probably would've talked his ear off as I was feeling ultra-talkative, clear, and open, hehe).

So, you are probably wondering, who gives a flying fuck? Well, he is opeth's north american sound roady guy! He knows them really well and told me about them, their individual personalites and such, it was really cool, they sound like a great bunch of guys. Most notably, he told me about how fucking intelligent they are, particularly Mikael, but Peter and the Martins as well. He also spoke about the fact that Mikael is quite literally nothing less than a musical prodigy/genius but that he probably doesn't believe it even though everyone else thinks so. Just goes to show that true godliness leads to sincere modesty (so much for jesus, allah, jehovah, heheh).

This guy was an opeth fan himself, that's how he met them, he went to their show and ended up working for them, but he said some really cool shit that kinda blew me away (accented by the lazy/lovey/tripped-out high I was on). He talked about how opeth (and particulary mikael) are so beloved by the world, how the fans of opeth simply adore this band and how cool it is that that are so cool about it, not egotistical or anything, totally down to earth and totally great guys who genuinely appreciate all the love and respect they receive from freaks like us.

Talking to this guy about Opeth was fucking great and it really made my night. What made it extra cool is that I have this guy's email and he said that the next time they are here (probably in a year or more) then he'd be happy to get me a back stage pass and/or have dinner with them or something, whenever they have a bit of free time or something to meet me and my better half (she thinks opeth are great too). I met him briefly after a show once, but it was rushed and crowded and it's not like I had any time to talk or anything.

Anyway, I hope you have found this amusing, if not let me know so I can email you a pic of my hairy ass crack, hahhhah. ;)

hail Opeth, living gods,

That's hyper ! Real shit happens ! And there's gonna be a Double Album !

(sings a happy dodecaphonic melody in 7/4)

:grin: :spin: (wow - a rhyme - grin/spin ! harmony in the universe !)
AAAARGG!!!!! YOU SUCK YOU SUCK YOu SUCK!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: Nothing that good ever happens to me. NOTHING!!!!!!
Satori; I'm SOOOO HAPPY for you!!! This is great!!! :o)))

Hope you'll get to meet Opeth, that would be brilliant! :o)
WHOA!!! I just got in a great mood!!! I love it when
things like these happen. Just like HoserHellspawn said;
It's a big world, but these small connections mean a lot!
It's what makes life interesting!
i never want to meet some musicians whom i appreciate, for if i do, i will problably just stand there, lightning-struck, mouth open, :yow: and don't get any decent sentence over my lips. i simply wouldn't know what to talk about.