I am Friggin MELTING !!!


Dec 8, 2003
Sin City
OMG the f00kin heat is brutal. I dont think I can make it much longer.

Boy, did my mom pick a great time of the year to move again.

I was in Needles California the other day and it was 126 degrees outside.

Las Vegas is well over 116 every day this week and more heat to come.

Tonight at 8pm it was 104 degrees outside.

Im dying, Im dying, Im dying.
I thought I had it hot. 100 fahrenheit is like 35 celsius, right? Damn! We´ve had around 28 celsius around here for a week or so, and that is too fucking much for me, so I´m stuck sitting near my fridge! Fortunately the temperature is going down these days, to around 20.
U fucking weak pricks! :lol:
Where i live (Western Australia :headbang: ) in summer it is not uncommon for us to have weeks of 40 c + days
The temp isn't as bad here as it is where you guys are (80s/9os) but dear God the humidity is insane! It's rained for 5 days straight but that was the first rain we've had since early April so it's like a fucking sauna outside right now.
quit your moaning.:tickled: In Arizona, we consider a 110 degree day a nice cool spring like day:Spin: It keeps the snowbirds from staying around town and clogging up our freeways!:hotjump:

It is funny. I grew up in Michigan and when I tell my relatives of our 30 % humidity in the middle of our monsoon season, they laugh due to them getting 90% humidity. I say that if you add 30% on top of 118 degrees, it is pretty damn uncomfortable.:ill: Heck, even the scorpions seek shelter.:loco:
We've been lucky here - highs in the low 80s warm enough but not too hot. June gloom mornings have been burning off quick and late in the afternnoon - it cools down nice enough to sleep.
Yeah, it's supposed to hit 118 today. Dew point is finally up to 55 degrees, but two storms in the last two days have skirted us anyway. It's just pathetic that you look forward to your days off so you don't have to leave the house for anything.
I love living in Colorado. No humidity. And I think the hottest it's been all summer so far was 98.
I love this part of the year for the monsoons only. Albuquerque has had some cool storms coming in to town in afternoon.

I just hate it when you see the killer lightning only for it to bypass MY part of town. thanks Chandlero_O
In Savannah they have palmetto bugs (a nice way of saying flying cockroaches). The complexes down there have exterminators come every month and ours told my husband that the palmetto bugs come indoors to cool off in the summer. I don't know if thats true but if it is, I don't see them outliving us. They'll be too spoiled.

I don't mind heat but I hate the humidity. I'm also not a fan of the sun - its best viewed through a window. I burn and then turn pasty again. Blech.

90 plus today in Tampa Bay with 90 plus humidity on top of it. When you walk outside the humidity actually smacks you in the face.
tattooedsean666 said:
I love this part of the year for the monsoons only. Albuquerque has had some cool storms coming in to town in afternoon.

I just hate it when you see the killer lightning only for it to bypass MY part of town. thanks Chandlero_O

Hey, I was in AZ once. Chandler to be specific and it was hot as balls. No humidity, but Jesus Christ. I actually burned my hand on the steering wheel.
I´m just waiting for the winter! The temp is just about perfect in winter around here. In dec. - feb. it normally ranges from +5 - -5 celsius, maybe it snows for 2-3 weeks or so over the whole winter. That´s just the way I like it...