It may be true that certain threads have little to no actual purpose and may or may not be 'necessary' however you want to define that; but why is it that a lot of you have to be so hostile towards others and towards everything lately.
NeedledWarheart, you prick, how did he personally and willingly offend you so as to deserve such a bold attack from you?
What are we, 8yr olds?!
This is a public, official message board for the band we all like. It is, and should be, open to any and all who care to come in to interact with people of a common interest. And they shouldn't be met at first encounter with a hostile environment just because a lot of people here choose to take an arrogant, elitist attitude towards those who aren't too familiar with either CoB or this board.
It's unnecessary and unfitting.
Janne and I spoke about this once, it's not something he appreciates..
And it's definitely one of the reasons why Alexi doesn't even come near the internet and their own forum.