I am rocking a Hatebreeder shirt in my new avatar

MagSec4 said:
It may be true that certain threads have little to no actual purpose and may or may not be 'necessary' however you want to define that; but why is it that a lot of you have to be so hostile towards others and towards everything lately.
NeedledWarheart, you prick, how did he personally and willingly offend you so as to deserve such a bold attack from you?

What are we, 8yr olds?!

This is a public, official message board for the band we all like. It is, and should be, open to any and all who care to come in to interact with people of a common interest. And they shouldn't be met at first encounter with a hostile environment just because a lot of people here choose to take an arrogant, elitist attitude towards those who aren't too familiar with either CoB or this board.
It's unnecessary and unfitting.
Janne and I spoke about this once, it's not something he appreciates..
And it's definitely one of the reasons why Alexi doesn't even come near the internet and their own forum.

Dude, you're right, i was an ass and i'm sorry.
I deleted my post... well edited.

But dude, this shit is still retarded :lol:
Assuming what Ive read I can add something... Despite all those nasty and rude answering posts isnt this the thing this forum was fighting for some months back? Im pretty sure that if this thread was put in Off Topic it would be given completely different answer, much more nice that it gain here

The shit of divideing which ever do or does not can be posted on the main forum is comming back...
the polish bastard said:
give the guy a break , anyone who listens to death shouldnt be hassled , its just the way it works.If you doubt what i say , i will make you belive
Death rules.

Heh, thanks man. Hail Death.

NeedledWarheart said:
Dude, you're right, i was an ass and i'm sorry.
I deleted my post... well edited.

But dude, this shit is still retarded :lol:

I accept your apology, and yeah maybe this shit is retarded but whatever. I got used to posting on another message board from my local music scene and they post senseless bullshit on there all the time, but I guess many UM users don't take kindly to that. My bad. But then again you don't have to read it if you think it's stupid. Just stay metal and all that good stuff and we'll be cool.

spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
@magsec he isnt new around here for starters and besides if you look at his other threads/posts he is argumentative, he just made this thread to get some stupid attention well congratulations its worked :D

I'm not usually argumentative, only on the CoB board :D I actually think I'm a pretty decent poster, I'm never an asshole to anyone on here or anything unless they are to me first.
hmm, but it indeed took place that the eldest cob forum posters find it hard to write for the 2345 time thank you for sharing some info about which we have heard thousnads times since last 2 years :D Its not connected to this particular situation, but still it makes big deal around here...
Bob, I didnt rep you!!!! spanks though!
Extendar said:
There's no cancer in cigarettes.
Nope, but they do contain a lot of vitamin N.

-i completely understand both sides of the argument, and i agree with both (sorry i seem like a politician.) the elder members are sick of the same shit but they dont realize that new posters are not completely familiar with these previously agreed upon guidelines but new posters (especially those who have posted in other boards) should also be aware that people on different boards hold different attitudes towards their own musical tastes and they are joining into a community that has already been established and they are being analyzed and judged (in some sense) even though it may not be done on purpose. thats just the way people work

-as for being elitist, youre damn right i am and id like to believe that there are a few out there who i share this in common with. my ex calls me a "metal snob," but i refer to it as having an a slight understanding of music as an art form and having an ear for it. and i dont hold my standards to others per se, i just happen to hold my views and opinions higher than i hold most others.

-as for Jannes and Alexis opinions on this board and its members, i will say that it is totally valid (although it kind of upsets me they feel this way,) but they dont seem to take everything into account. CoB has some of the most loyal and hardcore fans out there and its not based of sex appeal, its not based on popularity, its based solely on the fact that they are fucking talented and i believe that at the end of the day, its an overall positive situation, but it can and often times get too far out of line, it's taken to a level it shouldnt ever get to....and that is the problem

and remember "...thats just my opinion, i could be wrong.":)
dilema1362 said:
-as for being elitist, youre damn right i am and id like to believe that there are a few out there who i share this in common with. my ex calls me a "metal snob," but i refer to it as having an a slight understanding of music as an art form and having an ear for it. and i dont hold my standards to others per se, i just happen to hold my views and opinions higher than i hold most others.
If you're 'convinced of having a slight understanding of music as an art form and having an ear for it', think for yourself without giving in to persuasion or influences or an arrogant attitude, and hold it with pride and happiness.. then good for you man.
I too am very proud of my tastes and my opinions about everything in life, which I always make an effort to figure out for myself.

I was talking about the typical 'elitist' arrogant and retarded attitude. The one which expresses directly that you are better than anyone who doesn't like all the bands you like and only the bands you like, or because you have a bigger post count, or that everything must be your way ..period.
Unless the person is himself/herself an prick and asking for it, nothing justifies being a blatant asshole to a newcomer. If they insist on some sort of annoying pattern or stupidity, laziness, hypocrisy, etc.. then that's a different story.

-as for Jannes and Alexis opinions on this board and its members, i will say that it is totally valid (although it kind of upsets me they feel this way,) but they dont seem to take everything into account. CoB has some of the most loyal and hardcore fans out there and its not based of sex appeal, its not based on popularity, its based solely on the fact that they are fucking talented and i believe that at the end of the day, its an overall positive situation, but it can and often times get too far out of line, it's taken to a level it shouldnt ever get to....and that is the problem
I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at towards the end, but I assure you they know and appreciate this very very much. Unlike some popular believe, the bandmembers are not conceited or assholes in any way. On the contrary, they are very kind to and considerate of their fans ..in a way that can't be said about many bands.
This I am happy to say.