I am such a dork...

NAD said:
Honestly I never liked Cloud, and the gameplay was just frustrating to me (looked cool, played like shit). Sephiroth is a great villain, but Cloud was just a putz. I think really what it was was that the build up for that game was so freakin' hyped, then when it wasn't nearly as good as FFVI I just said "bah, bah I say!"

Besides, I've never liked polygons, I'm a sprite type of guy. :)

Hmmm...Cloud always seemed fair game for me. By himself I don't think you can say too much about him, unless you've played through pretty much all the game and know all about what's happened to him. Otherwise, the way the relationships between characters work is compelling shit, especially the darling love triangle, aww bless! :p Plus FF7 has Vincent, who is uber cool :cool:

But that's not all naturllich...materia has to be the best magic system of any Final Fantasy, the music is sublime (unbelievably, it was this that allowed me to take Burzum's last two albums seriously...shows how Jewish I am! :p), and another grab factor was just how bloody depressing the game was, actually. Practically everyone you met had a bloody sad story to tell. I dunno, that kinda worked...

Man, I love a good Final Fantasy discussion :cool: pity I threw down FF10 in frustration about a month back...20 hours levelling up characters is NOT COOL!
HarmonyDies.... said:
It sure was! Marvel or DC?
Even if I looked at the characters I couldn't tell you, my comic book trivia is seriously lacking... I have only read stuff like Preacher, Hellblazer, and the Sandman. :)

FFVII: I didn't like the characters interactions for some reason. I liked Tifa and Aeris, but that was about it. Red XIII was pretty bad ass though. FFVI music was much better I thought, I even bought the Japanese soundtrack CDs like a true fanboy! However, I've always said that I wanted to go through it again, because it took me the better part of 2 years to go finish it (actually, just get to the last area, never completed it!), I bought the game when I just started college and had quite a bit more on my plate than video games at the time. :)

While we're on about video games, some of my favorite RPGs were on the TurboGrafx: Ys I & II, Cosmic Fantasy 2, Dragon Slayer, etc. Too band that system received absolutely zero marketing from NEC. Idiots.
NAD said:
FFVI music was much better I thought, I even bought the Japanese soundtrack CDs like a true fanboy!

I'm considering getting that...I already have the soundtracks for FF7 and FF9 :) as I say, the former is sublime, but the latter has my favourite tunes from any Final Fantasy game. The Dark Messenger, Loss of Me/Rose of May, and of course my all-time favourite You're Not Alone! :cool: Rather stunning. Have you heard about the new Black Mages remix CD? Word is that it is most triumphant :)
Two jabs from lizard, one quick admission from JayKeeley, and the rest of this thread is the three of us. I want to get a tshirt made that just says not cool. across the chest. I could sell it at Hot Topic and become a millionaire! Muahahahaha!:muahaha:
NAD said:
Message board for my buddy's anime club, every so often he'll pin me down and force anime down my throat. Other than the obscure homoeroticism of being pinned down by another male it's pretty cool. :cool:

:lol: lmmfaao! :lol:
NAD said:
Message board for my buddy's anime club

Really? Can you ask him if there's any Zombie anime? I cannot believe that someone hasn't already put somethin together in the form of a tribute to George A Romero or Lucio Fulci - it would work so well. Where is the Living Dead anime I ask??!!
You can sign up for his board if ya want, he's Nester05. :) I'll send him an email though for his input.

I've watched probably less than 10 anime films in my life, it's one of those hobbies I have wanted to get into for awhile but just haven't yet.
HarmonyDies.... said:
www.animeacademy.com Mr.keely:) hope that helps

Thanks man - the only problem with that is, you need to know the title of the movie. I'm looking for "subject matter" I suppose, and that isn't too easy.

NAD said:
I'll send him an email though for his input.

Yeah mun, airie.

I've watched probably less than 10 anime films in my life, it's one of those hobbies I have wanted to get into for awhile but just haven't yet.

I've watched less then ten too, and I've got the cash in my pocket to prove it. Damn, manga is expensive boyeee!
It is indeed an expensive hobbey, so I figure if you can narrow down the products available to suit your tastes, then maybe you can get a few films you'll enjoy and not have to turn it into a full-time hobbey ^_^ :)
Well, I'm NAD's friend, so, hello.


I have seen Voices of a Distant Star and it is a great short movie. It's even more impressive when you realize that it was just one guy who did all the animation, effects, music, etc. for it. The DVD also comes with lots of extras, commentary, and another short from the director, She and Her Cat. Definitely worth your money.

As for zombie anime, the closest I've ever seen to something like that is an old Original Video Animation called Curse of the Undead Youma. It wasn't all that great, but if you want to see lots of blood and guts splattering everywhere, it does all right. You might like Hellsing, though. It's about a secret vampire hunting organization in England that has it's own kick-ass vampire soldier working for them. It works out like this: Vampires in a Modern Setting - Anne Rice + Ass Kickng + Big F****** Guns = Hellsing. Even though it's a vampire anime, there are lots of zombies wandering around and feasing on the locals.

And for what it's worth, my favorite RPG is Xenogears. Other favorites include: FF (all), Fallout 2, Arcanum, Ys I & II
Nester05 said:
Well, I'm NAD's friend, so, hello.
Greetings. :)

As for zombie anime, the closest I've ever seen to something like that is an old Original Video Animation called Curse of the Undead Youma.
I'll look into it. I'm very surprised that there isn't a straight up Zombie spoof - I would have thought Resident Evil (or in Japan, Biohazard) would have made it to the animated screen by now.

You might like Hellsing
Yeah got it! I mean, I have it but I haven't watched it yet. D'oh! I'll put that on my 'to do' list, next to the three other million things outstanding.