I am the law cover, acapella style

DarbysDad said:
maggnovox - Have you have heard of a Japanese guy named Dokaka who does this stuff too?

Yep, I know bout him, I heard his version of Angel Of Death and thought:- Hey! I reckon I can do this kind of stuff myself!! so I did!!
Did you listen to my stuff? What do you think of it?
that is fucking GREAT!
really well done!

i'm guessing you did it with the music playing on your headphones, then overdubbed each part?
max said:
that is fucking GREAT!
really well done!

i'm guessing you did it with the music playing on your headphones, then overdubbed each part?

Cheers!, Im glad you liked it!
Yep, I recorded it with pro tools, using the original song as the guide track for my overdubs. I ended up using around 16 tracks in total, and it took about 10 hours to complete, including mixing.
max said:
send it to scott and charlie - they should hear it!

I sent it to the info contact (webmaster?) at anthrax.com (ThraxDude??) and he kindly sent me a reply saying he would forward the link to the band. I hope they do get to hear it! That would be pretty cool!! Even cooler if they like it!!!
Scott heard it and said it was "Maniacal". I think that's a complement.
I sent it to Charlie too, but he didn't reply.
you can email them yourself- they do like to hear from us and they do respond more often than not.

you will find their email addresses on the site somewhere.