The Graduate Program in the Animal Sciences offers graduate study leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The master's degree program offers the thesis option. Faculty research interests include: 1) Fundamental Cell-Molecular Biology studies on the synthesis and secretion of milk and constituents during growth and differentiation of the mammary gland and its metabolic processes, gene expression of neuroendocrine system during growth and development of avian species, molecular genetics of mammalian metal homeostasis, metabolic constraints to normal growth and development of mammalian embryos in transgenic biotechnology, neuro- and reproductive endocrinology in avian species, virology, immunology and microbial pathogenesis of significance to animal agriculture; 2) Nutrition and intermediary metabolism of ruminants and non-ruminants, regulation of milk fat production in the bovine, modeling for nutrient management, nutrient management in avian and other monogastric species; hormonal and endocrine responses in equine species after release of nutritional stress; 3) Animal Behavior studies for improving management practices, housing design and welfare of domestic species and other animals maintained in captivity; 4) Aquaculture related to fish physiology, cryopreservation of germ cells, endocrine control of reproduction and stress-induced reproductive dysfunction, and; 5) Biometrics related to developing new methods for evaluating and analyzing biological data, sampling and monitoring of natural resources including fisheries and wildlife, analysis of data in basic biology including gene expression data and complex multivariate datasets and linear and non-linear models for correlated data.
my understanding is that the country's premiere animal-related studies school is UC Davis, but hey - I ain't gonna talk shit on my dad's alma matter either.