I approve of guns and nudity, but I don't approve of this...

duckattack said:
Um, I think if they're doing this in the first place they've got some pretty serious psychological problems already...

sorry, i cannot judge them just by that. Imho, the girls are just as fucked up for submitting for such thing for money. Or not. And if they are not fucked up mentally for doing so, so arent the guys too.
diesel said:
Shit I'd run around naked while being shot at with paint balls if I were paid between $1,000 and $2,500 to do it:B.

Shit, if any of you want to pony up the cash, I'll do it right now!

ya better drop yer low bid-ya dont want yer nutz shot off just to break even.
AcesHigh said:
sorry, i cannot judge them just by that. Imho, the girls are just as fucked up for submitting for such thing for money. Or not. And if they are not fucked up mentally for doing so, so arent the guys too.
Sorry, I can judge them just by that. You're right about the women being stupid to allow themselves to be shot at, but that doesn't make the guys doing it any less fucked. Like you, I don't necessarily believe that 'Behavior A leads to Behavior B', but what good reason could someone give to want to do something like this? It's not like it's even good sport... These guys have some serious Freudian 'mommy issues'...
Gayness in my anus.
I think convicted rapists and child molestors should be subjected to this kind of abuse.
maybe this is just the redneck rage comin' outta me - but that's just fucking sickening! That sure as shit says sumthin' about those sick fucks who "hunt". It says they'd kill a woman if they could. I dont hunt. don't fish. Just never had the patience for it - not b/c i'm against it. But I'm proud to say I'll never engage in that display of reverse humanity. It hurts like the fire of hell when you get shot on top of clothes. It's GOT to hurt those women sumthin' feirce. fuck that.
GregadetH said:
maybe this is just the redneck rage comin' outta me - but that's just fucking sickening! That sure as shit says sumthin' about those sick fucks who "hunt". It says they'd kill a woman if they could. I dont hunt. don't fish. Just never had the patience for it - not b/c i'm against it. But I'm proud to say I'll never engage in that display of reverse humanity. It hurts like the fire of hell when you get shot on top of clothes. It's GOT to hurt those women sumthin' feirce. fuck that.
If there were more rednecks like you, I wouldn't be so scared of driving through the South! :cool:
tara said:
Gayness in my anus.
I think convicted rapists and child molestors should be subjected to this kind of abuse.

gayness in yer anus-how come you get all the fun?

i think convicted rapists and child molestors should be chained down in public so all the other rapists and sick fucks can go fuck them instead of some victim. i bet there wouldnt be many repeat offenders.
Ya know, as I have gotten older and grown up I have become much more critical of this kind of thing. I always was too a point, but starting when I was about 19 I really became seriously opinionated about these things.

In my opinion, which you can disagree with just be civil about it, this is by far one of the most degrading things that I think can be done to women as a whole. I'm not refering to the people involved with the event quite as much as a whole in society. The people shooting each other in the tits aren't affected by much cos they are the ones doing it and chose to do it.

Anyone who says that seeing this kind of thing as a young child over and over and over and it having no affect is just ignoring something important. Sure, there are individuals that will not be affected by it, but think about. If the milder forms of stuff like this didn't affect the last generation as a whole at all, would there be such a ferver and acceptance on a public level of this more extreme stuff like there is now? If kids are brought up on this stuff and are left to be raised by TV like many parents do now, kids will grow up thinking some degrading things about women. Sure, I watched things like that as a kid, but my parents were also actual parents, and taught me that kind of stuff is fun and games, and not meant to be taken seriously.
my parents never gave a fuck about me or taught me shit. i might be a homicidal asshole when i get pissed, but do you honestly think i would go shooting women-or guys for that matter?

it's great you had good parents. truth is the average person is lucky if they had one good parent. it would be great if everybodys parents taught them-but people are going to learn anyway.

what makes a person good or bad isnt where they learn from-it's what they learn and what they dont learn...

the problem with society isnt that there arent enough people speaking out against what they think is wrong-we all learn to do that pretty well these days...

the thing we dont learn how to do is care about fucked up people enough to give them any reason not to be fucked up.

thats whats wrong with society, the people who arent fucked up only care about their side-so they end up being fucked up people too...