I blame the Maidens mostly...

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
You know, until a little more than a year and a half ago, I had never really used a camera. Sure, once in a while I'd take a snapshot for someone using their camera, but that was about it.

Soooo, these five very interesting gals decide to form a tribute to one of my favorite bands (Iron Maiden), and of course I want to see them live. So, one day I decide to drive out to SoCal from Tennessee (following a visit with the family here in Utah) to see them. And since I'm driving all that way, I figure I might as well take some pictures while I'm there. So I finally break out my trusty instamatic from the plastic packaging and get some film...

Well, fast forward to present day, and I just spent the last weekend taking over 400 pictures of 12 different bands! And of course, I'm the one that gets to sort through all of those and pretty up the good shots for the website (www.utahmetal.com). And all because six musician gals got me hooked on the photo thing! This hobby is worse than crack in some ways...

In all seriousness, thanks gals for inspiring me to take up a few new hobbies! And thanks for putting up with my artistic tendencies...
Think of it this way: instead of taking drugs, you're taking pictures! Quit complaining. :D
Gets addictive, eh Toastie :D You start with a simple shot of a local band and next thing you know:

Nice one Alan! That must have been quite the show...

I've been getting quite a few compliments on my Dimmu Borgir photos... Dustin really likes this one:


And Jeff (my old coworker in Tennessee) really likes this one:


Mostly I chalk it up to simply having good luck with the new digital camera, but all those Maidens shows helped me develop my photo skills as well (and instilled a good sense of timing for shots).

Now if only I can catch another Maidens show soon...