I blame YOU!


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
YOU, Shannon O'Brien, for being such a piece-of-shit candidate that you, a DEMOCRATIC CATHOLIC couldn't even beat a MORMON REPUBLICAN in DEMOCRATIC CATHOLIC massachusetts.

it got to the point last night where i was like "if mitt is going to win, i hope shannon o'brien gets fucking annihilated, so maybe after sixteen years of GOP governors this stupid state's Democratic party will wake up and liberalize. and so those of us who voted Jill Stein won't get blamed for the loss."

well, i kinda got my wish. ERGH.
damn you folks in the rest of the US who let the republicans retake control.

Out here is beautiful Cali-hippie land, all is well and liberal. Barbara Lee is my rep. I think she won with like 70% of the vote. And SF is gonna look into growing their own w33d! For real!
I voted for the Unz thing. :) My rationale was that the thing I hate about my conservative friends is how, um, conservative they are with policies, in that they won't vote to implement something unless it's perfect. They're against the freaking Civil Rights Act of 1963, not in principle, but because they disagreed with technicalities in its mechanics! And I vowed never to do that myself. Clearly the current system in MA is fucked up, needs to be fixed, and all that, so even if I see some problems with it, it's at least a proactive response...
BILINGUAL education is to stop immigration?

i've heard it argued that immersion classes are meant to fuck over immigrants, but i think it's bilingual classes that fuck them over more. kids leaving fully bilingual schools almost invariably have shittier English skills and consequently end up confined to lower-paying jobs. immersion classes give immigrant kids more equality and earnings potential.