I bought a T pass for the month of February...

i like how you went with me and called it a t-pass. last time i went to new york, one of my roommates started bellowing across the subway "WHAT COLOR T IS THIS?" and i could see my new yorker friends cringing in shame as the damning eyes of fellow citydwellers fell on them..."Um, it's the 9 train, dude..."
Greenline baby, D to riverside. I used to goto school in Boylston, and I used to live in Riverside. I miss MA, Im dying to move back, I fucking hate NYC. I'd always forget my T pass at home, and always I had to scrounge up change and bills out of my pocket to make fare. I hate the NYC subway system, I wish you can just walk into the trains and pay the conductors like in MA. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to fucking wait on these long ass lines, or use these retarded machines that never take bills to get a metrocard. Haha, on the blue line to the MFA, I used to always sneek into the back, when the doors would open, and not pay anything. The only thing that sucks is that T closes like at 11:45, which is sorta true about NYC too. I mean anyone whose tried to get home on the subway after 1am knows exactly what I'm talking about...It's hell.