I bought Damnation today

Hmmmm, I know not if this truly disturbs me or not, but i'm really not all that....hyped....about picking-up Damnation. I wrote a list a couple nights ago of seedies I really wanted sometime in the next couple months. It came-out to 13 items, with such names as Krisiun, Siksakubur, Gorguts, Abruptum, Soilwork and Eucharist featuring higher in the priorities, but nowhere I realised, had I written down Opef's Damnation.

Maybe the thought that it's all soft and acoustic has made me hesitant. Yes, I believe that may be it. I first got BWP, then SL a month or so later, and then Orchid, MR and MAYH all at once afterwards and I also picked-up Deliverance of course, so I consider myself an Opeth fan. And yet I do not even feel a desire to fetch Damnation. Is something wrong with me? I like soft music, I really do.....

I'll download a song tonight and see if my mindstate is altered. I'm trying to download Hope Leaves.