i can barely fucking walk but i'll be damned if im gonna use a wal mart whale cart...


Dec 6, 2005
Thanks Jurched...:heh:

i have contracted an extremely rare virus that has affected my skin and especially my legs. dermatologists at Johns Hopkins Hospital (thats also where i work) tested my blood several times over and did two biopsies (think a cookie cutter chunk of skin tissue way deep into your leg the size of a no.2 pencil eraser)

to figure out i had what's called HSP.

you can google it pretty quickly. Problem is i can't work becuase of the time i spend in patient areas and its not contagious but my legs broke out bad in rash and they fear i could contract something else as well too easily.

im left sleeping very lightly and trying to balance being on my feet versus sitting down or laying down a lot. my right leg is so swolled it like bees stung me so many time my ankle is about twice its normal size and the red blotches to boot.

im the only person in our state to have this over the age of 20 in like the past 5 years. They are putting my photos of the scars and tissues into the medical journals for future reference.

i am getting around though...though long walks arent happening i will opt to grab the nearest wheelchair to get around. i don't see a problem with that i simply can't walk across 3 acres of building to shop.

and im wheeling the damn thing myself so im still getting exercise, just upper versus lower body. gimme a basket to cart the goods in and im good to go.

but this has been the most painful thing ive been through since i ruptured a disc in my back 10 years ago. i've had my gall bladder out, a set of badly injured veins stripped, two hernia operations, and my chin sewed back together.

so hopefully i'll get to interact and invoke my .02 a little more than usual over the coming weeks trying to figure out how to contribute to help solve the mess of a world we are in.
No no no no, no, my friend! You're the one who's supposed to be making use of Wal-mart's Fat Ferries and DOT's cripple stickers!

I want you to use them, to show those fuckin lazy FAT asses and greying grampas the REAL reason for these medical aids:

To help people with medical problems get on with life, not to cart around titanic blue whales or let Dick Clark park his Rolls-Royce closer to the entrance.

Hey, I want to be with you when you make use of Wal-Mart's FAT FERRIES for their intended purpose. It'll be like an historical moment!

No no no no, no, my friend! You're the one who's supposed to be making use of Wal-mart's Fat Ferries and DOT's cripple stickers!

I want you to use them, to show those fuckin lazy FAT asses and greying grampas the REAL reason for these medical aids:

To help people with medical problems get on with life, not to cart around titanic blue whales or let Dick Clark park his Rolls-Royce closer to the entrance.

Hey, I want to be with you when you make use of Wal-Mart's FAT FERRIES for their intended purpose. It'll be like an historical moment!


dude, use the carts. dont put yourself in any discomfort just to 'prove a point.'
besides, think of all the fun you could have with those things!! you can whip around the tight corners, going, 'HONK! HONK!! I'M DALE EARNHARDT!! GET OUTTA MY WAY!!' and generally keeping those blue-vested malingerers on their toes. :Smokin:
I used the old school wheel chair with a basket today, and I whipped around them aisles faster than those fairy ass carts which were dead anyway.

I have to say sitting at that level - no wonder why people are so fucking grumpy on those things everyones ass is at eye level, and at your local supermarket that aint exactly a good thing ya know what i'm sayin ?

ass so big ya know if they fart it could fill up the hindenburg...Thats just WRONG !!!!
I had HSP, I had the burning rash on my legs and my knees hurt. It left my lower legs(below theknee) with slightly dark pigmentation( looks kinda like dark freckles), if it is HSP it will pass, I got when I was 24 or 25
in kids this thing isn't too big of a deal, but in adults it gets rather nasty. i've been walking alot more the past couple of days and today made it around 2 floors of shopping with my wife and a couple of my sons,,,mind you its not comfortable but im on my feet and thats what i care about.

im taking predlisone (sp) right now for 1 week plus im allowed motrin 800 (horse pill) and hydrocodone (vicodin - doesn't have sleepy side effects for me :) ) to keep things manageable.

as for the spots some got way out of hand but they are healing with bacitracin ointment on them at times but that makes my legs tighten up because of the bacteria and virus fighting of the creme.

I guess the one cool thing, i get to be in the medical journals for Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the worlds leading research if not top research hospital in the world.

I also work there as a networking technician all over the campus walking alot so thats why im trying to get back on my feet and moving again. this stuff is a real pain, they tell you to lay down,,,lay down too long and you cry trying to get up,,,stay up too long and your feet swell like balloons and you want to lay down.

anyway enough boring you all for a friday night, have a drink on me and i'll catch up to ya later.