i cannot express to you guys how much today stinks so far

this new medication i was put on made me really sick last night and i ended up getting dizzy and knocking my head on the floor in the hallway. like, i'm fine now but my knee and elbows hurt and i am still really fucking out of it :/
oh, and i have a slightly noticeable bruise above my left eyebrow that i spent 15 minutes putting make up over because i am all unsteady. i basically came to work out of habit and now i regret it.
aw thank you xfer. that's a really cute picture.

i am feeling so snoozy and out of it and my knee seems like it has a heartbeat of it's own. also i have a stingy sort of cut on my elbow. plz someone send me fuzzy pj's stat.
everyone keeps asking me what happened to my face. i am just going to keep pretending they are asking out of concern and not out of bold gossipy curiosity... the bastards.
all i am saying is 'i fell'
aviroig: dammit just spilled water all over my lap
aviroig: i totally look like I pissed myself
indieradioisdead: that is soooo tough
indieradioisdead: (the pee look... very 'in')
aviroig: oh man, totally
aviroig: maybe women will like me now
aviroig: and I'll get that raise
aviroig: and the bonus
aviroig: if only my boss was in already!
indieradioisdead: just keep pouring it yourself
aviroig: ooh good idea!
aviroig: he'll be extra impressed when he gets here
I'm not one to playa hate on bitchin...but today's been quite nice.

I got a good 5 hours sleep.
Today was the first day I've tried getting coffee from the drive in dunkin donuts next too my house, and it was a fulfilling experience.

Today is the last day of winter session and all my papers are done.

I'm going to drink beer and watch a mulleted Rush tribute band after work tonight.

life is pretty swell.

until I look in the mirror and mistake myself for a chubby lesbian.
Holy shit...are you serious??

I never EVER have bought a lottery ticket, nor had a lottery dream. But last night I had a dream in which I had a lottery ticket and was watching the numbers come up. Oddly, the numbers were represented by quarters and nickels and dimes, and I was sorting out the coins in my hand into their various slots as the numbers came up..."60...7..." I won! All six numbers!