i cant stop listening to the new songs!!!


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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hey people i know its only a promo but i am addicted to this new stuff,i think the new one really is gonna kick volume 8 in the arse.

its more in the vein of stomp 442 which i am stoked about,just straight forward metal/rock that flows nicely.

whats everyones else think?

bring the noize anthrax!!!
Dude, I'm totally with ya!!! I just got the songs off the promo today and I can't stop listening to it. It's been one fucking awesome night so far too... alcohol, drugs, firearms, 4X4's, sex, all with the new Thrax and SJR as the soundtrack(and it's only 12:30!). 2003 is starting off great!!! I can't fucking wait till March!!!!:headbang:
safe home is amazing. the guitar solo totally rocks. if they sound this good on my shitty mac speaker they will sound killer when i get the CD and play loud on my hi-fi...
can;t wait!! : )
I have been listening to it nonstop! What a tour de force!! Now I can hardly wait for February.....import, whatever, I am NOT going to wait 'til April 15th!!!

I have been listening to it nonstop! What a tour de force!! Now I can hardly wait for February.....import, whatever, I am NOT going to wait 'til April 15th!!!

I finale got a hold of safe home, and I was not sure what to expect because I heard a lot of mixed reviews about it. The first listen grabbed me right in the chest and would not let go. It just hit me like when you hear a song and know it is something special. I know my opinions don't mean shit, but I already love this album, and I have only heard a few songs. Everbody talks about how good superhero sounds, and that is my next goal. I just have the shitty bootleg. Can anyone hook me up with this or the nobody knows anything boot?

P.S. I think I am gonna buy at least 4 copies of this album, why? because I know i am gonna wear it out in the first week and it would be cool to keep one in wraps. I am wierd like that. I have The black metallica album unopened, and when cryptic came out i did have the rare silver cover album unopened until my roommate opened it up. Oh well he just wanted to hear some good shit.
where did u get this promo.i havent heard 1 track off it.where im from,the so called metal stations only play the popular stuff.april 15th is too long of a wait.but ill be the 1st 1 to pick it up in my hometown
find the post from slick(anyone want new songs)
email him and he will give u a link but hurry cause he said they would not be up for long!!!
well well i have 6 songs , and for me is like sotwn!!!!!!!! but the most impotant thing is that they have the vibe again, because for me they lost it in stomp and in volume 8!!!!!!!!!!, so they future looks bright for thrax family!!!!!!!!!!!!, the next step made a full metal tour....... slayer, testament or some europena bands but dont even think about ozzshit and touring with some punk and non metal bands ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D