I didn't know they played this

They played it alot in 2003 and 2004. They played it again at the West Virginia one-off co-headlining gig with Evergrey in 2006. They may have played it since 2004 other than at Jaxx... but hey, *shrugs*

*West Springfield, Virginia. Although half of Virginia might as well be the same as its westerly cousin.
I hope the next headlining date (I'm assuming it'll be an august in Seattle) I see they'll play Tomorrow Turns... that'd totally make up for the lack of pre-DNB material I can already smell in the next setlist for the next one-off headlining date.
Will Bozarth said:
the random "fucking" in there makes me lose interest since that was the first time THAT kind of language was used in a Nevermore song. Same thing goes for the TGE title track, but since the song is alot longer than Seed Awakening, I can over that easily. With Nevermore constantly viewed as a band with intelligent lyrics, it's a put-off to hear that when you know that something more "intelligent" could have been used.
You mean in Create the Infinite?
derek said:
I think the word was selected for its particular connotations.
I would hope so. They fit in both instances, but I prefer it in the context of Create the Infinite rather than TGE. That's especially because the riffage the line is over in Create the Infinite is much more aggressive.
Again it's a fitting word. The connotations work well, I think. Language is essentially transient and liquid, the value judgements normally put upon cursing are pretty transparent when you think about it. Given that they are fair game for the expressive lexicon.
