I didn't know where to ask it, but


New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2006
I can't find it anywhere, I hope you can help me, I'm hopless><

Anyway, all along 'The Inner Circle' there's a guy which shout and puts voices, and specifically on 'When The Walls Go Down', anybody knows what's his name?

Thank you for your help.
I believe that was asked in an interview that I read. They said they could not give the name of that person out.

To me, the voice sounds like all the Baptist preachers I had to listen to while I was growing up :hypno:

Crazy_JiM7 said:
I can't find it anywhere, I hope you can help me, I'm hopless><

Anyway, all along 'The Inner Circle' there's a guy which shout and puts voices, and specifically on 'When The Walls Go Down', anybody knows what's his name?

Thank you for your help.
I love that song...the music is great and the voice/words are so agonizing. Really phenomenal. I thought they pulled it out of a movie or something
ConnieOH said:
I believe that was asked in an interview that I read. They said they could not give the name of that person out.

To me, the voice sounds like all the Baptist preachers I had to listen to while I was growing up :hypno:

Oh well, thank you anyway (:
I think whoever's voice that is, he is a brilliant voice actor. Some of the best voice acting I have ever heard, truly spine chilling and really intense. I think the voice samples may be my favourite aspect of this album. Can anyone track down the interview where they said that they couldn't disclose his name? This sounds like a very interesting situation.
I would like to read this interview as well. And, as most have said, I absolutely love the voice acting as well.
There are a lot of spoken word parts that sound like religious sermons or broadcasts. Are they actual religious leaders speaking or were they just pieces recorded specifically to suit the CD?
It's actual people speaking.

Where did those samples come from?
I can't tell you.

Just from all over?
Ehhh, yeah! Really, I can't tell you because that would create a hassle for us.

I got you! Fair enough.

So it's not voice acting, I guess that explains why it's so realistic :lol:

The fact remains, they are used extremely effectively, especially in When The Walls Go Down... simply perfect.
when the walls go down is a great composition.The theme of the album is frightening in a way. you know these things really happen. especially harmless wishes` lyrics. Like Tom says: this is not an album you put on before going to the bar if you want to feel good. It is clear in this thread that the inner circles theme concernes a lot of people. exuse my shitty english by the way...:p
I read about this in another interview with Jonas, although in swedish.. Seems like they don't wanna spoil it.

Det står att låten "When the walls go down" är en instrumental låt, men ändå är det ju en man som gör ett mycket känslosamt och kraftfullt tal i den. Vad är grejen med den egentligen, är det en sampling från nånstans eller är det inspelat särskilt för Evergrey?
- Det där är ett sånt ämne som jag vill hålla lite mystiskt. Så jag kommer inte svara nånting. Det får vara lite Evergrey-mystik över det hela.

Alla undrar ju om det är en skådespelare som gör jobbet eller om det är äkta känslor? Det är ju så oerhört känslosamt framfört.
- Ja, det är grymt men... som sagt. (drar med handen framför munnen som om han drar igen ett blixtlås)

Basically he's saying that he wants to keep the evergrey-mystery a mystery...

Source: http://www.playahead.se/playazine/article_interview_read.aspx?id=ef2838dcac3c48e29725ed441de5335a (Unfortunately you need to be a member to read the whole thing..)