i don't ask for much


Aug 2, 2002
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all i really want is to feel the same for one day. to not go crazy. to not be totally fucking crazy. i mean. just for like, 24 hours. shit. maybe like 12.

also, sometimes i wish i knew someone with a car who would just take me for a drive.
i agree. i miss having the ability to just go driving for no reason and also i wish i had a car to go to shows and stuff. i mean i am losing weight from walking all over creation and that is swell but still...
Up here in GB, if you don't have access to a vehicle it's very hard to exist. Nothing is within walking distance of anything. I think we have a bus and mabey a few cabs, but that's about it.
that's how the berkshires in MA was. i was used to having to drive or ride my bike like, everywhere. now i am always carless. i feel out of sorts. plus i feel crazy.
i'm a fucking mess.

prep you sound like Devy when you rant. Especially SYL - City era.

not that this means anything to you, I just get the same vibe.

driving is awesome....I love going cruisin for no apparent reason.

the only negative is that the end destination is usually a CD store and I blow my weeks pay check.
here's a Devy rant to compare and contrast yours with.

I Want To Be Where The Action Is
It's Time Again
We Won't Get A Second Chance
Everything Is Dying
Fuck Sleep, Fuck Beauty, I Know I Have To Make It Alone
It's 2:45 A.M. And I'm Freaking Out
All I Can Think Of Is Glory, And I'm Sitting In Burnaby
At 2:45 In The Fucking Morning
Freaking The Fuck Out

One Month And I'm Gone Forever
Fuck This Once And For All...
And Just Like All Those Bullshit Jobs
I Swore I'd Never Go Back To
I Swear I'll Never Go Back To This Life

Fuck This

Can You Believe This Shit People?
All You Stupid Fucking People
With Your Useless Fucking Lives
And Your Bullshit Priorities
And Your Sick Fucking Wars
And Your Pathetic Religion
And Your Shit Music
And Your Sick Fucking Hate
Bullshit, Sitcom, North American Ignorance
A New Time Is Coming
And We Know You'll Awake In There

Who's Your Daddy?
well i remember that all throughout high school toby, byron and i used to just drive aimlessly around CT because let's face it, there's nothing to do in CT except drink at bars. at the time i think i got annoyed alot more often about doing that but now i look back fondly on those days.