I don't know if any of ya'll are into this kinda doc but.

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
"Bigger Stronger Faster", was one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. I was really moved by it for some reason.

I felt horrible when I found out about Mad Dog too.

If anyone else is into Sports/Steroids/Performance Enhancers and the whole shadiness surrounding both sides of the spectrum check it out.
There's actually a part in the film where they say how porno actors inject their dick with liquid viagra to stay erect in films.

Oh yea that sounds safe haha. The second they brought out the needle red flags would be going up EVERYWHERE.
And I thought it was shoking that a dude I know (he's 22!) has to take viagra because he can't have fuck while beeing on cocaine...haha.
One of the main arguments of the movie is that, if you´re allowed to use drugs/steroids to enhance your performance on most competitive jobs, like porn actors (keep hard), photo models (get built), musicians (stay calm), military and study (keep focus), why can´t athletes use them?

I always felt that sports were little different since it's more about natural ability and who really is the best. When you introduce THE DRUGSES, it kind of skews the playing field a bit. If everyone was using the drugs, then it would be more level, but would quickly become a competition of who can utilize their drugs better than the other guy, rather than pushing the human body to THE NEXT LEVEL.
One of the main arguments of the movie is that, if you´re allowed to use drugs/steroids to enhance your performance on most competitive jobs, like porn actors (keep hard), photo models (get built), musicians (stay calm), military and study (keep focus), why can´t athletes use them?

yea, except that most of those people aren't "allowed" to use steroids, as they're a controlled substance
I always felt that sports were little different since it's more about natural ability and who really is the best. When you introduce THE DRUGSES, it kind of skews the playing field a bit. If everyone was using the drugs, then it would be more level, but would quickly become a competition of who can utilize their drugs better than the other guy, rather than pushing the human body to THE NEXT LEVEL.

see, my view is a little different...people have gotten so out of hand with the training and nutritional aspects of sports that pure, raw, talent doesn't mean shit anymore. i say we should let all athletes juice up as much as they want...you can't say it's unfair if they're all using the shit - then the only thing separating the good from the great, once again, will be true physical talent/ability.
see, my view is a little different...people have gotten so out of hand with the training and nutritional aspects of sports that pure, raw, talent doesn't mean shit anymore. i say we should let all athletes juice up as much as they want...you can't say it's unfair if they're all using the shit - then the only thing separating the good from the great, once again, will be true physical talent/ability.

The real problem is that people are being forced to ruin their health if they want to stay competitive if that shit is being allowed. It's already bad enough...
see, my view is a little different...people have gotten so out of hand with the training and nutritional aspects of sports that pure, raw, talent doesn't mean shit anymore. i say we should let all athletes juice up as much as they want...you can't say it's unfair if they're all using the shit - then the only thing separating the good from the great, once again, will be true physical talent/ability.

How does training and nutrition contribute to getting out of hand?

Science in sport has made natural advances, that allow today's athletes to make gains/progress that 50 years ago people wouldn't even believe were possible.

Of course steroids have also evolved over time, and with today's stacks/knowledge/P.C.T, you can in my opinion do steroids with little pysiological impact on your body.

In my mind however the real danger with gear is the dependance on it and the subsequent psychological grip it gets on you. That's the only real reason I fear steroids personally. One guy says it in the doc best, they make you MORE of what you already are.

I like to think of the movie "The Mask" as an analogy to this principle. If youer a prick you become SUPER PRICK. I am a prick so I would become super prick. In addition my depressive states might become exponential off cycle.

Also. Just because an athlete does steroids doesn't necessarily make them lazy or make them even a great athlete. You still need intense training/nutrition to make progress, definitely harder training and better nutrition than the lay person.

I really have no solid opinion on steroids in sport though, I think it's bad and is cheating, but in my mind steroids for personal reasons such as bodybuilding and just joe powerlifter, I think that should be up to the educated older 25+ individual.

I certainly would honestly like to try steroids, but I don't think I ever will. I use food as a drug though, and training is as fun as ever.

God dammit, I want athletic superstars to be so juiced up that their heart is ready to explode out of their chest. I want 500 yard home runs and decapitated running backs.

If those fuckers are getting paid that much, I want every minute of every game to be absolutely life threatening. That way I might not hate them so much.
In the movie they show how easy is to obtain them through the legal ways (medical prescription). I don´t have a proper opinion about it, but part of me would love to watch what would happen if they allowed ANY enhancement drug on olympics, just to see how far people would go to win. You know, freak show stuff. I bet every country has a maniac like Greg Valentino.

They show how to get Growth Hormone, which I believe is legal. It's not like Test or Wins or Dbol.