I don't normally play videogames but...

I've been hearing about that game. I mainly stick to old games though.
Brian picked it up yesterday. I want to get Brutal Legend but I haven't even been playing my DS lately and that's usually the one system I'm always playing.
The demo is quite a bit of fun. I will be picking this game up as well, amazing graphics and very simple gameplay controls.

I've really been getting into 3 Xbox Live Arcade games they're just too addictive.

1 vs 100 just lots of trivia but its blast playing it.
Splosion Man a classic platformer with great yet simple graphics and gameplay. You have 1 button cause explosions it cant get simpler than that.
Shadow Complex, still playing the demo but wow, when they say this is the Live game of the year they are not kidding.
My hockey buddy at work is an avid video game guy.. He's pickin' up the Batman game... He also showed me the previews for :
God of War III :)OMG: - makes me want to go get a PS3 so I can play it),
NHL 10 - see above
Asassin's Creed 2 - saa
and Heavy Rain (I believe it's called) - very, very intrigued by this...

I keep tellin' him to do it justice, I'd need that 65" WS HD Toshiba I've been droolin' over... $3k I just don't have right now
The demo is quite a bit of fun. I will be picking this game up as well, amazing graphics and very simple gameplay controls.

I've really been getting into 3 Xbox Live Arcade games they're just too addictive.

1 vs 100 just lots of trivia but its blast playing it.
Splosion Man a classic platformer with great yet simple graphics and gameplay. You have 1 button cause explosions it cant get simpler than that.
Shadow Complex, still playing the demo but wow, when they say this is the Live game of the year they are not kidding.

I'm of the same opinion as you on all four games, Shreddy. Picked up Batman yesterday, but was trying to finish Shadow Complex so I haven't played it yet(full game is great, so if you liked the demo, drop the M$ points). The demo for Batman was amazing and I'm hearing it only scratched the surface of the full game. Splosion man is a hoot - have played multiplayer at a buddy's house and trying to coordinate explosions among three people is hilarious and maddening at the same time. I've enjoyed playing 1 vs. 100 as well, although I don't see how some of the people playing get perfect scores and <1ms response times.

My hockey buddy at work is an avid video game guy.. He's pickin' up the Batman game... He also showed me the previews for :
God of War III :)OMG: - makes me want to go get a PS3 so I can play it),
NHL 10 - see above
Asassin's Creed 2 - saa
and Heavy Rain (I believe it's called) - very, very intrigued by this...

I keep tellin' him to do it justice, I'd need that 65" WS HD Toshiba I've been droolin' over... $3k I just don't have right now

God of War III will be the game that gets me to break down and buy a PS3 no question. I loved the first two games. I am also considering NHL10 and I'll definitely pick up the second installment of Assassin's Creed. I haven't heard about Heavy Rain... guess I'd better look that one up.
The only game I play regularly is Madden 2005 for my original xbox. Think I am in year 19 of my franchise.

I've seen a bunch of stuff on this.. I dunno about anyone else, but growing up, there were these books I use to read where at the bottom of the page you were reading, it would give you 3 choices of what to do and what page to turn to based on the choice...

this is that kinda game.... THAT sounds awesome

I've seen a bunch of stuff on this.. I dunno about anyone else, but growing up, there were these books I use to read where at the bottom of the page you were reading, it would give you 3 choices of what to do and what page to turn to based on the choice...

this is that kinda game.... THAT sounds awesome

Ahhh.... Choose Your Own Adventure, I had a ton of those!
I'm not going to get the game right now (just bought Wolfenstein, and have others that I want to get more), but it does look good. Is it beatable on a long rental weekend?

God of War I/II are great games. Can't wait for III. Also really looking forward to Dragon Age: Origins. Looks awesome. Definitely will be getting Brutal Legend. Beyond the single player looking like a blast, the multiplayer looks really good.
I'm not going to get the game right now (just bought Wolfenstein, and have others that I want to get more), but it does look good. Is it beatable on a long rental weekend?

God of War I/II are great games. Can't wait for III. Also really looking forward to Dragon Age: Origins. Looks awesome. Definitely will be getting Brutal Legend. Beyond the single player looking like a blast, the multiplayer looks really good.

You referring to Batman? Brian beat it in a little less than a week. I imagine if you have a full weekend to do it, you probably can.
Quite a few good games coming out this holiday season...

Castlevania for the 360/PS3, Fifa 10, Assassin's Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2... ughhhhhh