O/T: Wal-Mart Censorship Policies


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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What in the blue hell is wrong with Wal-Mart!? The latest is that they are banning 3 racey magazines, two of which are Maxim and FHM. I guess customers and some associates were complaing about the scantily clad woman on the covers. It is bad enough Wal-Mart sells edited music! I have seriously considered applying for a job at Wal-Mart, but I dunno if I can work for such a corporation as I don't beleive in their censorship polices. If somebody doesn't like the product, then don't buy it. Don't pull the product off the shelves!!
Right on! At least Kmart sells unedited music! I am getting really sick of corporations like Wal-Mart throwing their weight around. Just let the people decide for themselves instead of Wal-Mart making that decision for us!

"Censorship is against everything America stands for, you fucking whore's, that's all you are". - Startin' Up A Posse

vomit said:
Fuck Sam Walton & His Puritan Ethics!!

Kmart Rules!
I am not really a fan of Kmart, but they do sell unedited music which is a plus. But I have found Kmart to be unreliable. They never have sale items in stock and their floor help isn't very knowledgable if you have a question.

jdelpi said:
Fuck Kmart! They fired my father after 27 years of hardass work. Their up-top management is so fucked up; I am glad to see them fall.
Sorry Kmart boned your Dad!

All I know is Walmart has a lot of stuff, but what a dump. Ever try to get a nudie pic (not porn) of your girlfriend developed?

Won't happen!

I am surprised that they developed some of the baby pix my wife and I have of our son? Full nudity! Penis and all!

Now who's to say, that a child pornographer/pedophile could not exploit/kidnap/rape children, and get his pix developed at Walmart? The employees would probably assume that the pictures are legit!

It's all about intent and Walmart employees are human & make mistakes.

Stupid, stupid policies!!

For Chrissakes they won't even let you return beer cans to there stores, yet they peddle cigarettes!!

Think about it!!

Idiots rule!
I remember Rob Zombie said that whenever he would release an album, he'd release an Uncensored to everywhere else first. After that had been out a couple weeks, he would then edit whatever he needed for Wal-Mart, but his own way, like drawing bikini's on the Super Sexy Swingin Sounds. He said he wouldn't cater to Wal-Mart, except he grew up in a small town that only had Wal-Mart and nothing within an hour to buy music and he didn't want to deprive those kids of his music if they liked it.
Thraxman.........you and anyone else can make the decision not to shop at Walmart. They have every right to sell or not sell what ever the fuck they want to. Besides, I have two boys, ages 4 and 2 and in a couple of years I am not going to be able to bring them into the 7-11 with all of that shit on the cover of EVERY FUCKING MAGAZINE. Its getting ridiculous. 7-11 looks like a fucking porn shop with all of that shit on the racks. I will make the decision in a couple of years, if its still there..............to shop somewhere else. I applaud Walmart's decision. There are appropriate places to sell that shit and Maxim, Stuff, Men's Health, Wrestling Mags and FHM have crossed the line with what they put on their cover's.
All my point is that Wal-Mart shouldn't tell us what is right and wrong. That is our choice if we wish to buy the magazines or not. I am tired of big corporations trying to force their beliefs on us.

Armored Thrax said:
Thraxman.........you and anyone else can make the decision not to shop at Walmart. They have every right to sell or not sell what ever the fuck they want to. Besides, I have two boys, ages 4 and 2 and in a couple of years I am not going to be able to bring them into the 7-11 with all of that shit on the cover of EVERY FUCKING MAGAZINE. Its getting ridiculous. 7-11 looks like a fucking porn shop with all of that shit on the racks. I will make the decision in a couple of years, if its still there..............to shop somewhere else. I applaud Walmart's decision. There are appropriate places to sell that shit and Maxim, Stuff, Men's Health, Wrestling Mags and FHM have crossed the line with what they put on their cover's.
ThraxMan said:
All my point is that Wal-Mart shouldn't tell us what is right and wrong. That is our choice if we wish to buy the magazines or not. I am tired of big corporations trying to force their beliefs on us.

Actually, they're not. It's up to you to shop there. And it almost seems like you are telling them what is wrong and right and wish to "force" your beliefs on them. Of course, Wal-Mart is not "forcing" its beliefs on you because they don't physically force you to shop there. And you are not "forcing" your beliefs on them; you're just saying theirs are dumb.
ThraxMan said:
All my point is that Wal-Mart shouldn't tell us what is right and wrong. That is our choice if we wish to buy the magazines or not. I am tired of big corporations trying to force their beliefs on us.

First of all, I have, in the past, given money to a free speech orginization because I support what they do. I stongly believe people should be able to think for themselves. That said, it's Wal-Mart's store, they can sell whatever the hell they want. As long as they aren't trying to force these beliefs on other stores or people, I have no problem with this. Just don't shop there.
Some of us such as myself aren't near any real record stores. I don't always like ordering a new release online as I want it the day it is released and not a week later.

I will still go to Wal-Mart, but I was just saying that I wouldn't want to work for them as I don't agee with their policies on editing. As for edited cd's, most places check your ID if you buy a disc with a parental advisory label.
TD said:
Parents who are concerned with what kind of lyrics their kids listen too like being able to get the edited stuff, and I respect that. I get the edited version of discs for my students. If you want the unedited version go to a real record store.