I don't think Jerome Bettis will be back much

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
He hates me and called me a wannabee Minnesota Viking. He also said I should "go back to the St Louis Ram forum and have groupthink sessions there" instead of being a dick and eating the last of the campbell soup.

1 down...only a couple more to go

Yeah he said "the bus stops here" tonight. Fuckit yo, I'd rather go out on top than Rolling Stones my way through the geriatric years.
Goddamn Willie Parker............ least favorite Tar Heel ever*

*Matt Doherty
Maybe he'll pull an Elway and come back the next year after finishing a PERFECT DREAM SEASON with a happy ending that would make a fairy tale exit, but instead of winning another Super Bowl by a complete twist of fate (the best team in the league, the Vikings, losing a fluke game) like Elway did, come back only to go 6-10 and go out on the bottom of the pile.

Nah, he's probably smarter than that.:loco:
Holy shit were the Rolling Stones bad! Mick Jagger shaking those prosthetic hips made me projectile vomit across the room. Pretty decent game. Glad the shitbirds lost. They need to take a lesson from the Jets and get a Time Management coach. Wtf was up with those 2 ending half drives? 2 possessions dow with 2 minutes to play and you throw it up the middle? Dumbfucks!

Randel El's pass, along with Big Bens line of scrimmage tippy toe heave were pretty kick ass.
Reign in Acai said:
Wtf was up with those 2 ending half drives.
Dude seriously, that was atrocious.

And the Stones man, fuuuuck that was awful. Darryl Jones gets ZERO camera time because they always think "oh dis black man is just some fill in dude" and he's been in the band for like 12 years now!!!
While Seattle didn't do much to earn a win, the officiating was possibly the worst I've ever seen in a Superbowl. Why didn't they just declare Shitsburgh the winner before the game began and saved us the 4 hours?
Yeah that was pretty bad. OFFENSIVE PASS INTERFERANCE, HE SLIGHTLY GRAZED THE DEFENDER. And that Rothostohsberger touchdown was, well, not.
MadeInNewJersey said:
While Seattle didn't do much to earn a win, the officiating was possibly the worst I've ever seen in a Superbowl. Why didn't they just declare Shitsburgh the winner before the game began and saved us the 4 hours?

agreed. fucking terrible.
I've never liked their studio shit. But atleast it sounds like a fucking band! The guitar tone sounded like toy guitars you can pick up at Woolworth's. Mick Jaggers vocals were hoarser than shit. Where was ebortion with the robitussin when you needed him? Also did you notice the Old Geezer geetarist (fuck knows his name) cough, and the camera jars quickly away from him?!?!! :lol:
NADatar said:
And that Rothostohsberger touchdown was, well, not.

According to the rules, it was. According to reality, it was not. I've always thought the "any part of the ball that touches the plane" rule is bullshit. When I see a quarterback basically snap the ball on the goaline and then reach his hand over center and it's ruled a touchdown, it's about the most ridiculous crap ever. You need to get some reasonable portion of your BODY into the end zone for it to be a touchdown. Not a centimeter of the ball that MIGHT cross the nearest part of the goal line.
lizard said:
the superbowl commercials sucked pretty hard this year. absolutely nothing even approaching the brilliance of "herding cats"

That was by far the most epic super bowl commercial of them all. The only one I caught that was mildly amusing was the cavemen not using fedex commercial.
The caveman one was good, otherwise pretty stinky.

My favorite commercials of the past few years are the MC Hammer one (don't even remember what it was for), all those E-trade works of fucking art, and... well godaddy.com because it had some titty.
Oh yeah, that one was good too.

Those Diet Pepsi ones suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked, it was like everything wrong with western society all rolled into one. Well, except the hot chicks. That was cool.