I dressed up like Britney Spears in front of 1,500 people.


Aug 30, 2001
Last night was our radio station's Throwdown in T-Town event, which featured a main event boxing match between two of the other DJs on the station. There were some other undercard bouts as well, including a thumb wrestling match, a sumo wrestling match, Jolene's Colossal Cock Fight, a Rock Girl pillow fight, and our event, the Metal Shop Mouth Off.

A slight backstory; we originally wanted to do a cheeseburger eating contest, particularly Dick's burgers because it's funny to say "Let's have a Dicks eating contest!" and we've done them on air in the past. They told us we could do it for this event, but eventually it turned into this mouth off thing, where basically Steve and I spend 3 30 second rounds making fun of each other, with the loser dressing up like Britney Spears and doing karaoke to Oops I Did it Again.

So we got together, wrote some jokes and decided to ad-lib some of it. We picked a new ending that invloved neither of us having to sing, but still wearing the outfit. Pics and story:

We found a toaster backstage and mirror pic'd it.

Ryan Castle and Ricker doin' some rehearsing.

Topshelf at his ringside drinking table.

Ryan Castle


The pics of our event were taken by a friend of mine sitting ringside, so they're all from the same perspective and not super good. Fortuantely there were lots of pro photographers there taking tons of pics, so more, better pics will come soon.

Here's my entrance. This pic is kinda trippy, and the Rock Girls that escorted me are awesome <3


Ricker tells us the rules.

Here we go.

I think the girls walked around with those round cards the entire time during the rounds haha.


End of round 1


Steve's entrance:


Sick burns or something

Getting burned sick

Glorius fucking burn. This pic was definitely cropped for maximum epicness.

Steve ended up winning so I had to don the Spears costume.

So out comes the black curtain aka dressing room haha. This was actually really cool because there were 3 Rock Girls in there with me helping me change my clothes haha.

This is the first time I've ever worn any sort of women's clothing pretty much ever.

Damn I looked good though!

So at the end, right as I was about to start singing the song, Steve started messing with me and after a few seconds, I threw him on the ground like I was pissed off and then he got up all pissed off and I ran out of the ring backstage and he chased me as Britney played on the PA and the crowd went crazy. We successfully worked our way out of having to sing a Britney Spears song, and to boot now I can tell people I kicked Steve's ass dressed as a woman hahah.

Unfortuantely there are no pics of that part on my camera. But like I said, I'm sure there'll be more nad I'll post them when they show up. Until then, here's one from the Rock Girl Pillow Fight.

All in all, it was a rad time... I have a new found respect for you ladies that wear the stalkings. Those things are hot and completely uncomfortable!
hahah! It looked really fun Kevin! Can't wait to see more. It really looked like the two of you were really going to beat the crap out of each other. lol! I love the stare down when Ricker was telling you two the rules. :lol:
The girl holding up the black curtain appears to have a nice behind.

Looks like a fun time was had. Hope to see some better pics of you in drag :p
:lol: awww, I can't wait to get better pics of you in your Britney spears garb! Oh I totally agree about the stocking bit, and if you got on sheers, you can forget about taking care of a leg itch! LOL!
Kevin, that's ace!!! Looks like such a fun night! Your job at the station is awesome and gets you into cool events and make you a part of them
that's awesome!!! I want to see you dressed like Britney though ;)

You look great as always ;)