I drew this


Apr 16, 2007
What is your critique?

I'd choose that over a burger these days. Making stirfrys is a new favorite hobby of mine :)
If you mean the things on the right hand side of the picture, those represent dark and light. 6 faces in the light, one big face in the darkness. The one in the darkness is called Ariael.
It's more symbolic.

There's no symbolism there. Just a bunch of lines from a really crappy drawer.

You can't express yourself via words, now we all know you can't express yourself via art... You might as well just go put your face through a wood chipper.
Do not judge what I have done, judge what you have done just now. Your answer may or may not curse you.

EDIT: I mean to say morally speaking. Critique all you want. If there's something you don't get, ask.
If I eat it, I'll keep it. You don't understand it yet, but that's what the big-ass purple wing is about.
On one hand, Tyler cares way too much. On the other hand, I do think Resonator expects this kind of response. Whether or not he thrives on it and yearns for it is still yet to be determined, but there's no possible way it can surprise him anymore.

Either way, he still doesn't make sense no matter how hard he tries.
Shpongled: See that wing? That's love. Love is the wing of that guy, holding that girl. Flying on the wings of love to shatter that barrier is what they're doing, because they love each other. Blindly flying with love as their wings is powerful enough, or so the picture would have you think.
No, the picture wouldn't have me think that at all, and therein lies the problem.

Try doing it as a photo manipulation. Your drawing there just looks like randomly colored, pixellated lines. I don't see any "wings", "guys", "girls", "light", "dark"... I see absolutely nothing in that picture that you just described in your last post.
I know it wouldn't, Kev. That's the mystery, and why I posted it. So you would know.