this meat still deserves it's own thread...

I was REALLY hoping this thread would contain a picture of Eric's post steak eating dump, coiled up nice and tight in a perfect circle, poking it's tip out of the water of his toilet bowl.

I'm disappointed in the lack of grilled steak photos even. sheesh

I have some from when I was out on vacation! :saint:


there is not much difference between con Ragu and Bolognese... right?

Oops, sorry for the late reply Karen. The only difference is that Bolognese is just a type of ragu, usually made with a more robust tomato base and onions. Then you have contadina, which is just ragu with vegetables.

BTW, I fucked up. I called it spaghetti con ragu when it should be spaghetti al ragu. Con just means with, and we say spaghetti con ragu or penne con pomodoro e tonno, etc. It depends if you're speaking about the pasta by itself and what it's covered with, which would be "con", or if you're speaking about the entire dish, which would be spaghetti al ragu.

Italians are so fucking anal about the intricacies of their the point of you just wanting to punch them in the face. It's rubbed off on me, actually, and I'm just about sick of Italian food because of it. For a great analogy, think of the scene in High Fidelity when Jack Black and the other guy start arguing about whether there was a "the" at the beginning of the title of the song when they're at that bar watching concert. It's exactly like that.