I feel like I can experience this board the way it was meant to be experienced

I had a prof for two classes in the same semester and she used a lot of the same material. She got a little bit touchy b/c I seemed to be using repeat lecture time to write polls.
I just got back from a compositional theory class held in a computer lab. I think my ultimate goal will be to successfully post at least once during that class. This feat will be made more challenging by the arrangement of the computers: they aren't in the standard rows facing the front, but rather grouped around 3 circular tables, making the screen somewhat more exposed than it would otherwise be.
Funny how while in college I rarely if ever used the internet while in class due to guilt, yet the past 3 years at work I've been online probably half of every day. Whoops.
On my campus, they gave us printing accounts. You send a job to the cue and it deducts credit. So I lost most of my remaining balance when an attendant reacted to a "low toner" light by clearing the cue.
One prof thought I was engaged in computer crimes or something because I not only had a laptop on the wireless network before they forced every incoming freshman to get one but I figured out how they caught a couple hardware thieves.Now if someone steals a highly specialized unit with an extremely unique configuration then signs it onto the campus network within a week of stealing it... isn't how IT located them sort of common sense?
and poorly colored!
Windows default 256 colours. It happens to poor computers who lose their graphics card drivers in large supermarkets. Not as bad as it could be, and where bad read retina-destroying 16 machine-palette EGA. Magenta.