I feel like I'm Arno's little brother!

hmmm, i think you should adopt him as a bigbrother then. if you want more info about this procedure, feel free to contact me by msn.
Dhatura said:
I might bid for her then, I'm thinking about getting a child on Ebay these days.
:tickled: you can have mine, cos he made a tit of me in work today :D
he watches a programme called bo selector and this guy takes off ppl and he does michael jackson, and luke said infront of everyone( shammo muvva fucker) can you imagine the pensioners getting there hair done ffs :D
Susie said:
:tickled: you can have mine, cos he made a tit of me in work today :D
he watches a programme called bo selector and this guy takes off ppl and he does michael jackson, and luke said infront of everyone( shammo muvva fucker) can you imagine the pensioners getting there hair done ffs :D

Oh, I want a girl, and I'm afraid of Luka :D
Dhatura said:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! It's not what you were thinking about !!! :erk:
