I finished school


Mar 17, 2007
Örebro, Sweden
Hey ppl!

So I've finished my university education in music production and I thought I'd share some of the stuff I've done during my time in school :) I'll start out with one of the latest song I wrote as a part of my exam. I posted a version of this song a while ago, but that was just in progress stuff.

This is the final version:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/389199/Thinking of you.mp3

My friend Martin was kind enough to play the drums and another mate named Tony does the clean vocals. I think the biggest issue with this mix is the overheads. I tried out a pair of mics I hadn't tried before and it didn't turn out very good haha... Oh well, I guess that's how you learn. So my apologies for the washy OH's ;) There's also a drum edit fuckup during the solo section with the side stick beat.

The guitars are Revalver MKIII and a Krank Krankenstein. Distressor was used.
Bass is Ampeg SVX, WARP And Revalver. Distressor was used.
Vocals were recorded with an AKG 414 and compressed with an LA2A (hardware)
Everything was recorded through an SSL G series console .

Alright, enjoy!

Ah I forgot to give cred to my friend Sofia who played the grand piano for the intro stuff :)
can't wait to hear this, congrats man! i'll be hearing this when i get home


sounds amazing man, you style is printed all over, i can't really hear the vocals at the beggening though, i think more like a radio-like effect would make the effect if that's the idea, the rest, it's just fucking amazing.
Sounds killer, but the drums let it down a bit. The whole kit is a bit muddy, especially the snare. And the overheads are really interfering with the vocals. They're not the best sound, but some EQ at 1-3khz would help a lot, they're really riding on top of the mix atm.