More school related stuff

Holy fuck man, this thing is huge as shit! Loving how organic it all sounds/feels, and the bass tone is HUGE!

Any details you'd be willing to share would be awesome, esp on bass/drum rooms!
Glad you guys dig it!

Hmm, I used alot of stuff for the synth stuff.. I did use some uf Cubase's own stuff... I think I also used Tocix biohazard, Imposcar and Vanguard.. Those are the ones I can remember right now :)

The drums are my samples that I've collected now for some time. I have some snare samples with really nice ambience which I think does alot to the snare sound. I usually blend three or four snares altogether just to get the right sound :) I also use a nonlinear verb on the kick, toms and snare.

The bass tone is divided in to 4 tracks. Two tracks for sub and two tracks with different kinds of distortion. For the first sub track I cut alot around 88-105Hz and boosted a bit around 70-75. For the second sub track I did the opposite, cut 70-75 and boost around 90-100. I've been doing this since I did this song and I find it very useful to get a nice low end.. I also limited the subs quite a bit to get it stable. The distorted tracks are heavily high-passed and boosted a bit around 900-1,2 kHz :)
haha i use the same synths man, but that little thing called talent with them, i don't have, you definately do, i must confess i studied your music quite a bit in that area! (apart from all the other areas, ok yeah)

still waiting for your record man! you've got great ideas