New mix

The drums sound really good to me, I especially love the snare. Super punchy and nice body! The guitars aren't quite my cup of tea, though. I think they could use a bit more definition, but the tone still fits the style well.

Also, this might be totally my ears playing tricks on me, but is the mix pumping just a little too much?
Cool mix. But I agree about the guitars, they are not bad but all of your songs the guitars have some weird hollowness. Btw great music once again.
Great work as usual Andre.

You should do a "Slice The Cake" type thing and release an album digitally through Myspace. I listen to your stuff all the time on my iPod already.
Cool great track, as usual. Your mixing got better, cool. Love the drums!!! Guitars are fat. Especially the big, fat ringing chords, dang! Great. Thanx for sharing.


Edit: Where did you get those great drums samples from? Recorded them yourself?
so much beef in this track dude. Im envious of your skills !
I think my jaw just dropped, sweet jesus! I'm up for the (online) drummer task if you're searching for one btw :) I have an e-kit where i can record MIDI and i can lay down some acoustic drums at the studio of my one of my buddies, lemme know :) Your stuff is just plain awesome
Holy crap dude - that track is really amazing.

Great job. Details on those drums PLEASE!!!! Kick and snare are unbelievable.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

The mix might be pumping a bit, but I don't think it's that excessive :)

Nuno Filipe: hmm I don't really get the hollowness-thing.. Maybe It's the tone itself you don't like?

Deadstar: Yeah I just listened to "Halo" and it does remind of that one heh.. I guess this one goes in to the trash can aswell :)

colynomial: Hehe, thanks man.. Glad to hear that. Dunno about releasing it though. since there are no vocals on almost any songs.

shogger: The samples I used are samples that I've had for some time, but haven't really used them. Can't really remember where I got a hold of them :)

ShallowEulogy: Some drums would be kickass man! :)

rlcramer: hmm well I guess apart from the usual EQ-ing and compression of the individual tracks I could mention that I used parallell compression for the drums.. All thanks to Jens hehe :)

media12: I still don't own a bass, so it's still my pitch shifted guitar through WARP and Ampeg SVX :)
Not quite dude, your tone is also a bit honky. The midrange has a weird response and it lacks low end. The revalver has really middy tones, when I reamp something with revalver I have to put the bass knob at maximum or it become hollow as fuck, well at least in 6505.

Hear this clip: on Fire test.mp3

Hear the power chords here and on your clip. You will notice the difference in the midrange. But of course that´s also a matter of preferences.
André, is this song a different version of the one you posted a long while ago called "Mullet"? It's like... very close to it yet different enough to be a different song. Anyway, awesome playing as usual. I know this is getting old by now but I really can't find much else to say, it's always so awesome :)

I actually like your "hollow" guitar tones because of their nice open mid-range. It really fits the music, but when vocals come in on that I think it'll be harder to make it fit. It works great while it's instrumental though. I also LOVE your drum programming because it sounds so realistic and not hyped up. I'm not even sure if you'd need a real drummer for these songs if you keep the programming up like this!