I found a mick lookalike


Jul 21, 2003
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Uncle fester :tickled: i think its really like the one were he has a pig mask on :D

fuck is right, where or how even, did you come across that susie? its got to be mick surely, though his face is a bit 'obscured by the light' hard to make out
ikeaboy said:
fuck is right, where or how even, did you come across that susie? its got to be mick surely, though his face is a bit 'obscured by the light' hard to make out
I typed in "Uncle fester" hahaa and NOT to my surprise this guy turned up :lol: :lol: i went out with all purpose of finding someone who looked like mick hahhahaha :tickled:
not many people know it but antimatter was formed in st martins seminary for novice priests, sunday afternoon recitals of "god is coming" earned brothers patterson and moss much favour with their fellow students. However they were defrocked after a copy of Venoms "Black metal" lp was found in their dorm. Patterson in particular was tormented for years that this one act of weakness ruined a bright carrer in the priesthood :ill:
