i found the cob guitar magazine with DVD

if someone buys it could he or she scan the bodom-score in und load it up to the web?? would be great because otherwise i don't have the chance to learn to play it... :(
please answer!
grtz, chriss
that's not the guitar lecture one. that one is in the october issue of Young Guitar Magazine.

well this issue has Bodom After Midnight in it, so I guess it's kinda good.
umm....In case you guys didnt know, that Young Guitar issue you linked to on EBAY is NOT the one with the Alexi DVD, if you read carefully, you would see that its the Nuno Bettencourt DVD. The children of Bodom song is tabbed out thats it.

This is Young guitar Japan mag Nov 2002 with DVD.This is Brand new.This DVD featured NUNO BETTENCOURT "Riff the N-Funk",PETE LESPERANCE "The Performance",MARTY FRIEDMAN "GT-6 Special Seminar".

Yeh...sooo..um Nuno rules though, I love Extreme, great band, Nunos a great guitar player. I feel bad for the dude who bought it, since thats not the Alexi DVD...Next time read the description carefully.

Originally posted by bodomite
thx thx thx thx thx thx thx
When can u post it??!?!

oh I was joking, i thought you were too...
but common that DVD is like twenty minutes long... how am I suppose to upload it any where. not that I even riped the DVD on the computer.
If you want it that bad I can send it to you for $100, if you are a crazy psycho hard core Alexi fan. but it is a really nice thing to have, it makes you wanna practice right away.
or ask some of the people that lives in Japan, like Takako and whatever the other Japanese people were called on UM. I think the magazine is still available in Japan...
then you can rip it for everyone, buddy.