I fully realise that nobody cares

The emission is directly proportional to the galactic magnetic field and future observations should be able to differentiate the superconducting string scenario from other proposals.
It has nothing to do with string theory. A cosmic string is a kind of a one-dimensional defect in spacetime, kinda like a flaw in a quartz crystal. It's about as thick as a proton, but can be very long. And *very* dense, a cosmic string 1.6km in length would have ~1 earth mass.

What the article proposes is that certain gamma rays observed from the certain of the galaxy may be due to SUPERCONDUCTING cosmic strings.

In other words, it's fucking cool.
I'm sure its fucking awesome if I understood. We've been watching some Universe shows, Stephen hawking and others blah blah. They're cool but at the end of the day I'm just looking at the pictures, non of it affects my day to day life.

Similarly, Olivia Munn's hotness is viewed the same...


...but the pictures are better.
I'd never stop sucking her nipples. As far as what's going on in Biology, i would like to see more nipples and experiments like that. That's why I want a PhD in it so bad. And maybe so Richard Dawkins will reply to my fan mail :(.