I got a friend of mine to finally check out woods and...

matt schrauben

Curse You All Men!
Jan 24, 2006
Westphalia, MI
I finally got the singer of our band to check out Woods. I've been saying for months how amazing Woods V was and they he should immediatley check this out.

So far he loves it. Especailly the lyrics, but I have to share this comment he made about the song 'Career Suicide' because it's so awesome:

"Also, I love how “Career Suicide” is catchy from beginning to end with a super-accessible dual-guitar solo. Brilliant. Giant F U to the people on the outside probably making 10x more money than him and whining about how he “sold out.” No. The people who were too busy with work to churn out five ambitious albums are sellouts."

Pretty great analysis from a first time listener!:rock:
This comment is even better albeit a more serious tone. A good synopsis of the album:

"My end word is the same one it was before. Chilling. It’s almost impossible to believe that he wrote that album without knowing his end was coming. Finality is already in my book one of the most remarkable pieces of music ever made IMO. It’s one thing when it’s Jerry Cantrell writing what amounts to eulogies to Layne before his death. Layne was on a spiral headed there and everyone knew it. The fact that that specific album was released essentially in conjunction with such an unexpected tragedy… I don’t think there are really words that could be said any better than what’s said on the album. Which is chilling in and of itself.

And you’re right. By the middle of the album the low doom vocals just seemed appropriate."