I got a fucking drumstick!!


Mar 12, 2005
Brackley, England
I arrived at the venue pretty late, towards the end of novembres set infact. First things first...I had to get a t-shirt. It took me while to decide what i would spend my hard earned cash on, but i reckon i made the right decision....Although the guy gave me the t shirt i didn want (he was probably thinking to himself while i was taking ages to decide 'hes gunna get the same one anyway').
Anyway, while briefly seeing novembre who were a fairly good support act, the tension was building as katatonia was about to hit the stage. Opening up with 'leaders' is a pretty wise choice, kicks in very quickly and to my surprise everyone started jumping around much to my surprise. I must say jonas' voice sets a wonderful atmosphere, something i was very skeptical about him pulling it off like he does on the albums, but he did it extremely well. Throughout the night there was some very good songs all flawlessly played, lovely lighting and atmosphere too. The setlist looked something like this.
(cant remember the order)

Leaders, Wealth, Ghost of the sun, Soils song, Deliberation,Tear Gas, Sleeper, My Twin, I am nothing, Sweet Nurse, July, In the White, Criminals, Tonights Music, Dead House, and Evidence... If i missed anything please point it out.

I well and truly appreciated this gig, been waiting a few years, but it was worth the wait definatley. (So many pretty girls too, one in particular..katatonia is definatley romantic music)
I was wearing a white (black sleeved) Paradise lost t shirt. What were other people here wearing? I also caught daniels drumstick heheheh.....

Over and out.
Oh dear I haven't been on UM in ages!

I've gotta say, Katatonia are amazing live! Very much agree with the above description of the gig. I for one-enjoyed myself a lot.
I think I remember seeing a person in a paradise lost shirt. I'd be the red head-plain black shirt. :p

Was this your first time seeing them?

I can't die without seeing one of their shows, although that may be a distant dream.
I saw them at the UCL a few years back, they were great then too... the sound guy was a dick though and turned off the sound as they played their last song because it was past his bedtime...
They ddint throw the drumsticks or anything in Glasgow :(. Not that I saw at least.

I made a note of the setlist in a link in the thread about the Glasgow gig - I had it saved on my phone before they came on cause I found it stuck to the inside of an open case thing. It's a little different from what you listed.

oh, and i was wearing my longsleeved Last Fair Deal shirt that I bought at the 2003 gig. I bought the GCD tour shirt though so I had that on over it, and an Ulver - Perdition City hoody.
affinityband said:
I arrived at the venue pretty late, towards the end of novembres set infact. First things first...I had to get a t-shirt. It took me while to decide what i would spend my hard earned cash on, but i reckon i made the right decision....Although the guy gave me the t shirt i didn want (he was probably thinking to himself while i was taking ages to decide 'hes gunna get the same one anyway').
Anyway, while briefly seeing novembre who were a fairly good support act, the tension was building as katatonia was about to hit the stage. Opening up with 'leaders' is a pretty wise choice, kicks in very quickly and to my surprise everyone started jumping around much to my surprise. I must say jonas' voice sets a wonderful atmosphere, something i was very skeptical about him pulling it off like he does on the albums, but he did it extremely well. Throughout the night there was some very good songs all flawlessly played, lovely lighting and atmosphere too. The setlist looked something like this.
(cant remember the order)

Leaders, Wealth, Ghost of the sun, Soils song, Deliberation,Tear Gas, Sleeper, My Twin, I am nothing, Sweet Nurse, July, In the White, Criminals, Tonights Music, Dead House, and Evidence... If i missed anything please point it out.

I well and truly appreciated this gig, been waiting a few years, but it was worth the wait definatley. (So many pretty girls too, one in particular..katatonia is definatley romantic music)
I was wearing a white (black sleeved) Paradise lost t shirt. What were other people here wearing? I also caught daniels drumstick heheheh.....

Over and out.

Hehe, you bastard! I almost caught that drumstick! Were you near the left or the right? I was there wearing an orange DO t-shirt with a shirt with zips over the top of it. Was a great concert, and yes there were many pretty girls there! :headbang:
Alyona said:
Oh dear I haven't been on UM in ages!

I've gotta say, Katatonia are amazing live! Very much agree with the above description of the gig. I for one-enjoyed myself a lot.
I think I remember seeing a person in a paradise lost shirt. I'd be the red head-plain black shirt. :p


ahh crapp...:cry: