I got invited to do this freaking awesome gig


Nov 9, 2001
August 9 @ the Stone 10PM
corner of Avenue C and 2nd street, NY NY

I'm writing a new hourlong piece especially for the gig. So far it's shaping up to be an oppressive string trio featuring me, mia, and ryan. not kayo dot but a solo thing.

you guys please come.

Damn! This board really doesn't help with my happiness.... finding out things like this and all while I'm here in Australia. I now know I'm going to miss something spectacular and there's nothing I can do to change that... maybe I should resort to alcoholism or scientology.
i'd really like to record it, but i don't know if the venue has the facilities... and i don't personally own anything that would allow me to record it. :(

in any case, more of a reason to come to the show i guess?
If I can find it, I'd send him mine, I don't think I've used it 3 years due to never having decent shows around here.
you could maybe contact a college radio station in NY- they usually have equipment like that, and you might be able to find someone interested in doing it for free, especially if they can use it for radio play. i know they've had khanate & dysrhythmia play live at wfmu, and someone @ wnyu might be interested too.