I got 'Tears of Mortal Solitude' today.


Jul 22, 2004
Methinks it's a kickass album. I'm only on my first listen-through as I type this, and it's already a clear favorite.

I can't wait it myself!! Lee, I'm gonna send you a message to lee@elitistrecords.... I hope it's not going to end up among viagras and penis increasing tools!
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I swear I have sent it! It is titled Forest Stream (no viagra, no penis enlargements, no increasing volume of cum shots!)
:))))) You still don't use your old ICQ?
I have heard that viagra is made of a sperm of gayboys who are the most active in sexual life...:puke:
Lee_B said:
These guys have a genuine feel for the epic and mournful. I can't wait for "Crown of Winter"!
Aye. I can't wait for it either.

TOMS is great - nay, kickass - from beginning to end, although I did hear some parts which I thought were missing something. Specifically, Julie... ;)
Sonm said:
I have heard that viagra is made of a sperm of gayboys who are the most active in sexual life...:puke:
I heard it was made of small children... Or maybe that's Cialis.

Sorry for the double post... It's the least I can do after the transmogrification of my thread praising Forest Stream and Elitist into a thread wherein one of my heroes insults another of my heroes' manhood. :mad: