I Got The Flu


Apr 14, 2008
I got 103 temperature and feel utterly horrible. Very sick! Started Wednesday night. Today is Saturday. Doc says it's just a basic flu and will go away in7 days. Drink lots of fluids and rest and take ibuprofen if you want.

Being in this horribly painful state helps me realize that nothing in life us more important than your health. Feeling good seems like a distant concept right now. All the money, fame, luxury, social life, piña coladas, and metal shows mean nothing if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy them.

If healthy, we should give thanks and generate feelings of gratitude. When not healthy, we should strive to be as healthy as we can.

Please wash your hands often and don't contract this.

Nothing is more important than to be thankful your alive and love your fellow brother and sister.
Our journey here is very short.

When I get better I want to cherish every moment.

Thanks for reading.
Take care dude. True influenza is respiratory disease that is way way more serious than people think. There is no "stomach flu" or "intestinal flu".

It isn't science fiction that influenza mutates all the time and spreads very easily between people. Someday another nasty rendition like the 1918 pandemic will emerge and millions will die. It is the one disease that keeps public health scientists up at night.

The major concerns about H1N1, when it emerged, were not unwarranted. It was a brand new version of the virus and we are all lucky it has a low mortality rate. It seems some folks think it was all hype but it was science in action dealing with the unknown and learning it on the fly.

Wash your hands people!

For those of us with severe Pulmonary conditions, this flu can be fatal. Still my Doc doesn't believe in giving shots before October, because they will lose effectiveness before the February flu season.
Do u have a pulmonary condition? Do you consider the flu hard on your lungs?for me, my breathing is fine.

Today is the first day I'm starting to feel better. I think the key is not just rest but sleep. Only sweating in my sleep brought my fever down.

I hope the worst is behind me.

What are the side effects of flu shots vs.getting the flu? What has the most risk? Are there shots without mercury, which may have long term effects? What percent of the population gets ill or even dies fromflu shots? Do they put a gps tracking device in your arm that will not be activated til December 2012 when the New World Order takes effect?

Haha I just had to throw that last one in for kicks.
Yes, I have very severe COPD, and I feel the Flu shots are the best thing ANYONE can do to prevent or reduce the effects of Influenza. There aren't any significant risks to the tiny bit of Thimerisol (sp?) they use to preserve the innoculation, and I've been getting flu shots for more than 4 decades. Maybe a sore arm for a day or two?

Internet searches will get you info about risk groups, mortality rates, symptoms and FACTS about innoculation. Keep away from all the rumors and crap, get the facts.
Sorry to hear that Swan. Are there ways to improve your condition?
These days with almost every piece of information we find online links to some sort of way to make a profit, it really is hard to decipher what's real.

From what I understand there are 3 main flu categories, a,b and c. Well I guess h1n1 would be a 4th. The shots protect you only from A and B. Is that right?
A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with H1N1 flu.

And when I say I felt ill, I felt ill. For three days I could barely move. Temp was through the roof. Supposedly H1N1 is a mild flu, but in my case it warranted treatment with Antiviral drugs - "Tamiflu" and was "quarantined" in my house for 5 days. I.E I was told by doctors not to go out so I didnt spread the virus.

Part of the reason I was given the drugs is because my mum is immune suppressed and obviously if I passed the virus on it could very easily become life threatening for her.

In the 3 days I was bed ridden and 2 days house bound, I lost almost 14lbs in weight.
The only accurate info is from the CDC, search "cdc swine flu". There are likely 3 vaccines this years, One for the normal Seasonal flu (3 different flu), another specific against the H1N1 and a third Anti-viral shot IF you get the H1N1.

My cousin up in Canada got the H1N1, he considers himself lucky to have survived, the worst he's ever had, and he's healthy. He assured me that I would die if I got it, and NO, the only cure for COPD is death. I watched my Dad and an Auntie die from it, I know how this one goes. At least I quit smoking 11 years ago.
The flu is dangerous because it can turn into pneumonia. It happened to me 3 years ago and it felt like there was an evil demon in my body. I was literally cursing the "damn thing". Sickest that I ever was in my life. Now, I always get the flu shot.
Hi everyone! Sorry to hear of all this sickness already. I am a school nurse, I see between 60 to 70 kids a day. Granted not all are (really) sick, but this year is already gearing up to be quite busy. For all of you who have had a form of the flu or even geting over a bad cold, stay away from shows, movie theaters, malls, grocery stores, etc. When your immune system is in a compramized state, especially after a sickness, you tend to be vulnerable to any pathogen coming down the pike. They lie when they say you can only get the flu once and you are immune. The average flu mutates every so many days, so the flu you had could change in a month, and you could get the new form. Proventative measures is the key. Avoid crowds if possible, wash hands fequently, use hand sanitizers (Maidens especially remember this when shaking hands at meet and greets), avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose unless hands are clean. Carry disenfectant wipes with you for things such and shopping carts, flushing toilets, and faucets. SEEMS ALOT DOESN'T IT !!!!!! If someone is coughing or visably ill avoid contact and leave their area. Drink liquids with vitamin C, echanacia, zinc are good to help reduce syptoms, and the all time best one CHICKEN SOUP ! If you do get ill, stay home, rest, see a doctor, drink fluids to replace electrolytes (gatorade, etc). Anyone regularly attending areas with large crowds (MAIDENS and crew) should get the flu shots, as you have a greater risk of exposure due to the amount of people. Oh and one I always swear by...spray your house, especially the bedroom, everyday with Lysol. I'm telling you it works!!!!
I felt better after about a week and a half. But was very run down afterwards.
I spent a week in spain in 38C heat....which was good. But then I came home and had a severe ear infection...Took two courses of anti biotics and an anti biotic spray to clear.

Doc thinks the H1N1 flu seriously weakened my immune system.

But yeah the flu is nasty, but its not deadly to most people. Those who have underlying medical conditions such as supressed immune systems are obviously at high risk, but anyone normally fit and healthy will get a so called "mild" flu.
Personaly I felt like i had been hit by a train.

Now if only I could make it to the US to see you ladies play......I'm sure it would do my recovery good. :D
Well, I hope you H1N1 sufferers are doing better. I came down with a nasty cold following a trade show here in S.F. I know it's not H1N1 because a) it's primarily in my nose/sinuses, H1N1 is in the lungs, and b) I have no fever. Highest I went was 99.4. H1N1 always has a high fever. I still sweat buckets, though. Go figure.

On the plus side, 3 days of no appetite and all that sweating did wonders for dropping a lot of weight. :) Now to keep it off.

BTW, Acujer and everyone else, a great way to combat fever is peppermint tea. I've broken a few fevers with it. Took about 3 cups and you start to sweat like you're running a marathon but it often helps.

Colds after trade shows are common. You have all these travelers coming into town and you're shaking countless hands. It's inevitable. For a while in the 90s when I was on staff at large publications, it was so bad editors often planned to lose a reporter for a few days following a show. I guess people are better about using the Purell and other antibacterials.
You say you got a fever? Well the only prescription is MORE COWBELL! :headbang:

Seriously, very glad to know Acujer and Time Warrior are feeling better. 'Cause feeling like shit fucking sucks, eh. I got the worst flu (at least I think it was the flu) that I can remember after our Galaxy show. I started feeling sick during the performance and then really crashed the next day.

A few whacks of the cowbell finally put me right, though.

Again, wishing you a full recovery NOW! And here's to everyone's good health--
I am still not completely healed. I cough up loads of green phlegm all day. The Swine Flu takes a month to get completely better. I say I need another 5 days.

Yeah I drank loads of peppermint tea. I took tons of herbs. I'm an acupuncturist. But with H1N1, your battling something extremely difficult!