I got to meet the band!

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Yesterday they where at Woodstock in Holland and te gig was great ofcourse. And ofcourse they played the usual songs, so I won't post them. But my favorites where Killing Ground, Dogs Of War, Solid Ball Of Rock and Denim And Leather.

But because I knew the people who ran the show, I arranged to get backstage and get in the trailer of Saxon. That was really cool. Biff was very nice and took the time to talk to me. But I also talked to the guitarists and later the drummer and after much searching also the bassplayer. They all signed my copy of Killing Ground. So that was a great experience.

Thanks Saxon!
When Saxon came here to the US last time a few friends and I were able to spend some time with them after the show too. They really love their fans! Nibbs hung out and drank some beers with us!