I hate pricks!

i must say, you kind of asked for it with your previous comment. granted their comment was over the top and there was no need for it
dilema1362 said:
i must say, you kind of asked for it with your previous comment. granted their comment was over the top and there was no need for it

Yeah I know I was being a prick myself, Im just in a bad mood, I have been flamming up the unofficial forums like crazy. But it was his last comment made about Bodom being untalented and stealing music from other people that I thought was completly moronic.
i just fart in the general direction of cob woers at this point... what do you get arguing with them, maybe 15% of the times you'll get them to reconsider, the other 85% will never stfu
Habbe you guys ever just decided to say "fuck it" and not argue with these cunts?
Seriosuly, if they dont appreciate bodom, that is their loss, not ours.
And say you converted them, would you want an asshole like that hanging out at our boards?
for fucks sake, who the hell cares, i love band that no-one else likes, do i call them ignorant for not appreciating them? No.
Holy shit guys, just fucking drop it, they are just as entitled to hate bodom as we are to like them.
hahaa....oh i totally agree, but that doesnt change the fact that i enjoy arguing with assholes to see if they can actually support their argument. im a big fan of debating, and its solely for my entertainment

Dude, i love debating also, but if it brings shit like this thread into our forum then its not worth it.


