I hate pricks!

No, that too. Irony is a part of sarcasm anyway (or is it the other way around? Any English buffs in here who can answer? Heh). It's because of all the ppl calling the CoB board members elitists and then telling us to leave and saying we aren't welcome. It's rather amusing, and quite ironic.
dilema said:
but that doesnt change the fact that i enjoy arguing with assholes to see if they can actually support their argument. im a big fan of debating, and its solely for my entertainment
The problem here is that a few of these people will never support their argument and won't stop being stubborn 5yr olds about it. You've read some of the comments Koichi has made.. some of them are absolutely ridiculous in our eyes. He's either completely ignorant and arrogant, or he's simply an asshole because he enjoys being an asshole. It doesn't matter what you say or how right you are or how much you prove it.
And it may very well be that it entertains you, but the fact is, when people keep responding to, say, that thread in the 'chat' forum, it does nothing but get even more shit stirred up and brought our way. If we keep getting irritated by it, if we keep arguing with them, telling them how we feel about them and their bullshit ..we'll get even more resentment from other people, and we definitely don't need that.

So I really think we should drop it. Let that thread die for fucks sake! and any others like it.
You're right. Im sorry. Ill try not to let it happen again :::bows head in shame::::blush:
you remember those godforsaken IQ test questions?
Sometimes sarcasm plays a part in irony. sometimes irony plays a part in sarcasm. But not all sarcasm is irony or irony sarcasm.


(okay, sorry, i'll stop it :D)