I think Astral Poetry is referring to the 8930 billion bands that sound and look exactly the same who seemed to just appear magically after Killswitch Engage and Shadows Fall became successful bands.

I think if I was still living in the US I would hate them as much as you do, but they don't bother me that much here because they are only awesome to American teenagers who have never heard In Flames or At the Gates.

I can also get jiggy with some screamo/metalcore bands....but stuff like Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold makes my sphincter shrivel.
DEP is more akin to technical deathmetal than anything really, though i've heard them called "deathcore" before (hooray for needless lables). They're lyrics are also pretty far from relating to anything in the screamo/metalcore genre.
The other thing I don't like is that I have the feeling that all these guys in these bands are the same dudes who were the jocks in elementary and high school who made fun of me for listening to melodic metal like maiden and in flames and now they are all like, "oh yeah, we're totally into that stuff."

Like where were they hiding all these years before it was cool to rep a retro priest shirt in your video?

also DEP is one of the most important and creative heavy bands of today imo and should in no way be lumped in with these bands.
I completely agree with you azal. In fact, there are a handful of these crap band from my very small town and they are all littered with the jocks who would barrage you with gay insults if you touted an Emperor or Nile shirt and listened to anything other than country.

swedish riff for the verse/emo chorus about girls/verse riff/emo chorus/BREAKDOWN/chorus x 2

also when you mentioned DEP it's also important to note the millions of mathcore bands that suck which flooded the market afterwards.

45,34543 riffs that don't have shit to do with one another in one song is not technical, it's dumb.
screamo is supposed to mean bands like Portraits of Past or maybe Hot Cross (to name someone still around). Not this make-up wearing pretty boy wanna-be metal shit.
I went on a supersleuth investigation on the internets and found out that screamo comes from emo, only with a singer who screams or something. What does emo ( already a retarded label. What, is other music not emotionally charged? ) have to do with heavy metal?

I don't see the '-core' thing at all for DEP, especially after the first album. On the first release they sounded like deadguy clones which I guess is some sort of noise uhh... punk thing?
Emo is indeed a retarded label, but you can pretty much get a general understanding of the "subgenre" by looking at all the bands that clump themselves into it. Adding light doses of heavy metal and bland metalcore elements brings about screamo.
To this I can only add

I don't really like the term "screamo"... doesn't it just imply emo with harsh vocals? As far as I know, the first bands labeled as emo (Rites of Spring, Fugazi, and etc) used some screamy vocal styles.
I like screamo and metalcore.

Sad to say.

And I really like the cheesier ones like Haste the Day. So fun, fun for the whole family.

Listen mom, dad, a breakdown! Woo-hoo! Someone break out the chips and salsa! It's dancing time!
Where does Converge fall? Metalcore? Because they're pretty awesome. And I guess Misery Signals are metalcore, and damn do I love me some Misery Signals. Street cred... fading.