I hate the crap out of my bosses...


Nov 29, 2002
It snowed here last night. Oklahoma is not so ready for snowy weather since it rarely happens so the roads are all fucked. Plus, my car is covered in a foot of snow and I do not have a shovel to get rid of said snow. I called work and told them I wouldn't be coming in today. Here is sort of how the conversation went...

Me: Hey, I'm not going to be able to make it into work today
Stupid boss dude: Well, what time are you coming in later?
Me: Umm...I'm not. I don't feel too well either and the roads have not been plowed
Stupid boss dude: Where do you live?
Me: Sand Springs
Stupid boss dude: Well, ___ lives all the way in Mannford and she made it in to work at 6:00am
Me: That's...great
Stupid boss dude: So you're not going to come in at all?
Me: No.
Stupid boss dude: Two other cashiers have called out. I guess we'll just have to close the store, huh?
Me: Umm...yeah. I guess. See you later
Stupid boss dude: Okay, bye.

Bastards. I'm not risking my life and the condition of my car for some fucking slave wage job. :(
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I had a boss like that once..... I quit when they needed me the most.... we had like 50 customers and no one could go on break because they were so busy so i said ya know what to my boss who was next to me he said what i said I QUIT an walekd out :rock:

Hehe. is that all Tara? :p

Try going from "Oh I'm going to have to let you go when you go back to uni (end of Feb) to "I'm putting your replacement on early so we can train him up, you're outta here (roughly, he wouldn't say) End of Jan/Start of Feb" to "I can't afford to keep paying you both so I want you to train him as fast as you can cos I won't be putting you back on over after the Christmas/New Years holidays" (Starting mid December, which meant the new guy wasn't going to get ANY decent training before I left and would thusly be useless) to most recently (Monday morning) "Oh, the new guy called and for a couple of lame reasons dropped out and doesn't want to work for us anymore. I guess you can stick around then." (And of course by this time my mentallity had become *Only TWO MORE WEEKS!! Just survive till then without flipping out and you can at least walk away with a semi-decent refererence*

I REALLY need to get out of this place, it's bad for my mental health, but I HAVE to stick around for another few months at least, for reasons I can't currently explain. :erk:

Somebody kill me now. :sad:
You should of told your boss if he wanted you to bust your ass getting to work to increase your pay by giving you a $3 raise and add danger pay along with it. Especially in those conditions,danger pay should be consider.
Do you work for a company own or family own business?
Family own business are the worse! Unless its your family.
I don't see where's all the fuss about? I don't see snow as being reason not to go to work, but what ever floats your boats... Well, of course me living in Finland makes things easier for me, but still... If you have a job, be grateful. My few cents (european, thats almost 2,5 cents US)
That's right Tara. You deserve better.