I have a Major announcement regarding the Nevermore board

AllWithinMyMonster said:
After the recent backlash. I have decided to stop posting here. All you nerdy pimple faced fudgerelishers can enjoy this board without me here to police it. Go ahead.. Run roughshod over the boards. Take over. I'm done parenting you heebie hobbits, you distorteddingleberrys, you nicoderms, you skatingsissy's, and you neverwassian's. So I must bid adeu. May you felcher's live prosperously in your depravity. And may Nevermore keep rocking. Even though their fans are white trash ill-mannered cancor sores on humanity. They still kick fucking ass. So bye my brethren. Goodbye. May the clearisil be with you \m/ :wave:
What's that say in your avatar? :tickled:

AllWithinMyMonster said:
After the recent backlash. I have decided to stop posting here. All you nerdy pimple faced fudgerelishers can enjoy this board without me here to police it. Go ahead.. Run roughshod over the boards. Take over. I'm done parenting you heebie hobbits, you distorteddingleberrys, you nicoderms, you skatingsissy's, and you neverwassian's. So I must bid adeu. May you felcher's live prosperously in your depravity. And may Nevermore keep rocking. Even though their fans are white trash ill-mannered cancor sores on humanity. They still kick fucking ass. So bye my brethren. Goodbye. May the clearisil be with you \m/ :wave:
alright, MOM.

you never spanked me, so that must be a lie.
DiscipleofTruMetal said:
what happened that made him not post here anymore...hahahah :tickled: anyone know?
he was making fun of me wolftribe will and nico and we ripped on him he cryed like a little baby and left
theres a couple of posts wolftribes picture post is one of them