I have a quastion for the experienced gutra player, wich have already have own musical songs.


New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2016
I have my own text and music for songs.

How to keep my intellectual property, when I will to make my own musical group?

Becouse I can gave my text and music to people, but they can steal it all. And to perform it on the stage, and then say that all music and songs they own.
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What is gutra? Never heard of such instrument before.

It's an interesting question. As is the ownerships in deals between artist and label. Like if Alexi became ill, could COB look for someone else to play guitar and sing? Is there an order of 2nd, 3rd and 4th guy who has authority, or what.
You'd have to copyright your music, somehow setup a band under your ownership, perhaps make your bandmembers sign some type of contract.
Or just get to know the guys, become friends with them and you'll trust them not to steal your stuff.

EDIT: My 1 000th post! Got a trophy called "Addicted" for it :D
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