I have a question....

thecrimsonchin said:
Your acting like they did something revolutionary.
Hey smart one, actually they did. Name me another death metal band that has sold as many albums as CC.

You need to watch the DVD that came with their new CD. It shows some of the things the band does when they aren't playing music....and guess what, THEY'RE PRETTY DAMN NORMAL GUYS :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: . They live just like you and me, only difference is they like (fictional) sick and twisted shit so they write and make music about it. I personally think that's great that they do it. Tt's fun, entertaining, and if you don't walk around with an elitist stick up your ass, you might just be able to enjoy it!
Funeral Portrait said:
Hey smart one, actually they did. Name me another death metal band that has sold as many albums as CC.

You need to watch the DVD that came with their new CD. It shows some of the things the band does when they aren't playing music....and guess what, THEY'RE PRETTY DAMN NORMAL GUYS :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: . They live just like you and me, only difference is they like (fictional) sick and twisted shit so they write and make music about it. I personally think that's great that they do it. Tt's fun, entertaining, and if you don't walk around with an elitist stick up your ass, you might just be able to enjoy it!

Hmm, I seem to remember another band that was made up of "normal people" according to friends of mine who loved it. Know what they were called? Slipknot. Yeah, they wrote about sick shit too, and they were heavy just to be heavy, and they couldn't write worth a damn either. Yeah, pretty similar now that I think about it. Insane Clown Posse too, they write some fucked up shit too huh? :rock: yeah Insane Clown Posse!!!(Note my liberal use of sarcasm)

Get the point? I don't hate them for the damn lyrics I just think they suck major ass at what they do. I don't understand how people like them any more then I understand how pornogrind is its own major genre.

And to get one thing straight-I'm not an elitist at all. I just know what I like and know what I don't, and I like to think I can tell the difference between half decent music and bullshit. Example: I think the band mushroomhead have a fair amount of talent when compared to their contemporaries. I enjoy some of their songs and I'm not afraid to admit it. An elitist would say "that's nu-metal" and that would be it. I give everything a fair chance before I make up my mind, no matter how uncool it might seem to like. I'm a fan of friggen Norah Jones dude. Do you think it's the cool to like her? No, but I do anyway. I've listened to cannibal corpse enough to know that I don't like them. I "get" what they do, but just don't care for it. Similarily, you might "get" what Justin Timberlake is trying to do, but that doesn't mean you think it's good does it?

Point made.
Hey mans CC no suck, a coincidence will be pure, but I succeed to listening to all their albums up to " the bleeding ", and an a little also "Vile", Corpsegrinder for me is a good singer, but something must have changed in the band... they remain always however great, they are their old albums that say this to us...
I'm a huge fan of Cannibal, and of Barnes. I even like Six feet, although Bringer of Blood sucks. But the others are good relaxing stoner music. I get in the mood for, but how can everyone bash Cannibal? They were the first band to get me into death metal, there fucking great. Hey, Terry Butler is a cool guy. I've met both bands and they are some real fun guys to drink with. In fact the dvd they released (six feet under) they flimed the whole thing in Mpls, so it was cool to see us all in the crowd. I can see how people dont like six feet because of how slow and down tuned they are, but chances are if your a pothead you'll like it.
Cannibal Corpse did sort of pioneer the gore thing, I believe. So in that respect, they did contribute something that is halfway revolutionary to the music scene. But that doesn't mean they're any good. I certainly don't think so, and I never will.
No point made. I hate Mushroomhead and love Norah Jones. What on earth are you trying to get accross?

That I'm not the elitist fuck you think I am. I give everything a chance, and like a lot of things a "real" metal head would probably be disgusted with. But I still thing Cannibal Corpse suck balls.
Life Sucks said:
They are simple, populist pseudo death metal.
I'm assuming you have never seen Alex Webster play bass then?

Hardly any real metal fans like them.
You sir, are a moron. That was probably the most idiotic statement I've seen on this board in a long, long time. Define a "real metal" fan for me dumbass.
Funeral Portrait said:
I'm assuming you have never seen Alex Webster play bass then?

You sir, are a moron. That was probably the most idiotic statement I've seen on this board in a long, long time. Define a "real metal" fan for me dumbass.
By "real metal" I'm sure he meant "quality metal". I fully agree with him. Also, since when did complex bass-playing make a complex band?
Go ahead and check out the guitar riffing as well. Any joe with half a brain can see they dont necesarily play simple music.....but then again I'm sure you are going to tell me I'm wrong and they don't even touch the complexity of some foreign band named Egntithrrploy or god knows what else. So what's the point right?
Guardian of Darkness said:
I'm saying that they're not at all innovative or interesting compositionally. Just generic, simple DM.

That's exactly right. And like I said, with so many better bands in the same vein-why bother with their bull? It's like listening to "as I lay dying" if your into melodic-death. There's no point because it's been done WAY better by others a thousand times over.
thecrimsonchin said:
Your acting like they did something revolutionary. Like the other guy who was defending them said-it's just death metal. Sometimes it's nice to hear lyrics that not only make you feel good but have some sort of story, coherent thought, or even just decent structure. Cannibal Corpse has none of these. Granted, it IS better then the poor me drivel found in nu-metal, but if your talking about ripping entrails out of a virgin cunt, and it's making you feel good, something MIGHT be wrong buddy. But like I said before, it's not just the lyrics. It's the fact that it sounds like a big fucking mess. I mean usually even a really crappy band sounds together on their studio recording. But not Cannibal Corpse!

Don't try to argue this any further, it's futile.
Well think of Cannibal Corpse like a B-Class horror movie in death metal form. They're just pretty much shock value and nothing more to it. The members themselves dont even take it that seriously might I add. It's not like they actually go off raping women and killing people in real life. You dont have to like it but I love some Cannibal Corpse songs like Hammer Smashed Face just because I love headbanging to their aggression. Six Feet Under is just lame and I think they're worthless but. I like them but not as much as a lot of other death metal like Entombed (early), Obituary and Suffocation.
Life Sucks said:
I think they suck. They are simple, populist pseudo death metal. They are the kind of band that nu-metal fans would listen to. Hardly any real metal fans like them.
What the fuck man. Most nu-metal or ex-nu-metal fans cant take death metal at all. A lot of them I know just stopped listening to metal all togather or they started listening to hardcore/emo.
cannible cacophone is the worst fucking band this side of manhatten. I once seen their video on launch.com and almost pissed my pants with blood. Shit was so hard to stomach it fucked up my urinary tract. How horrible can you get. They are craptacular in dying fetus proportions! I heard a 2minute song of theirs today. And i almost hung myself with my headphone wire. :*(
thecrimsonchin said:
Are you insane? The structure is half of what bothers me. I'm a huge fan of bloodbath right now, and they have gore in the lyrics. It fits. I like entombed, mercyful fate, and even nile. But Cannibal Corpse are tasteless. It's brutal for the sake of being brutal and it's a joke. Their song structure?! If I handed a guitar with some distortion to a four year old with downs syndrome it would probably sound pretty similar.

Cannibal Corpse is fast and brutal. If you're so intelligent let's hear you play it on guitar oh great one

thecrimsonchin said:
If cannibal corpse were a horror movie it would be the equivelant of a low buget splatter film. I might sit through it once, but I'd have a problem if it garnered a cult following. Especially when there are so many better films in the same ilk.

I bet they could write a direct a good horror film, hey i'd even want to see it.

thecrimsonchin said:
Your acting like they did something revolutionary. Like the other guy who was defending them said-it's just death metal. Sometimes it's nice to hear lyrics that not only make you feel good but have some sort of story, coherent thought, or even just decent structure. Cannibal Corpse has none of these. Granted, it IS better then the poor me drivel found in nu-metal, but if your talking about ripping entrails out of a virgin cunt, and it's making you feel good, something MIGHT be wrong buddy. But like I said before, it's not just the lyrics. It's the fact that it sounds like a big fucking mess. I mean usually even a really crappy band sounds together on their studio recording. But not Cannibal Corpse!

Don't try to argue this any further, it's futile.

Are you one of those power metal fans? In this world we have dark and light...we can't have more of one. You can't have too much dark and brutal crap in your life with no light at the end of the tunnel.

It doesn't make you feel good...just pumped and agressive. CC Live is awesome. It's a big mess? How? I don't notice any mess in there? And like you said it's just Death Metal. Does that mean all death metal is a mess?

Name crappy bands that sound together on their studio recording, i went to the ozzfest last year and all the bands there blow more then some cheap french whore.
Life Sucks said:
I think they suck. They are simple, populist pseudo death metal. They are the kind of band that nu-metal fans would listen to. Hardly any real metal fans like them.
Your retarded if your talking about Cannibal Corpse

If you're talking about Six Feet Under that's semi true.

Define a "real metal fan"

oh and don't use bullshit like "bands that actually play" because some people would rather have some fast brutal shit instead of intracate(spelling?) playing. Don't use nkejr or foriegn bands no one really knows because album sales don't mean shit unless it goes to the bands head like it will Cradle of Filth and Shadows Fall.