i have an awful confession to make

yea. see the thing is i see upward of 20 appointments a day. and sometimes do home visits, and go to court. and i can't carry a diary/planner b/c it's not confidential enough =[ so someone offered to get me one IN FRONT OF MY BOSS and she was like OH GREAT SHE'LL LOVE IT!

it was alex! the freakin 55 year old at my job.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was like NFIOERU#()$*@(#$)@J<$XI@)#$@()D#@U

but whatever. i guess i'll just use it, keep my mouth shut, and walk it off.
also while they are a sign of the modern yuppy i never really find myself bothered by palm pilots being used in public. i mean they are quiet so its not like they are a distraction. and if you have someone who has one already you can "beam" things to each other. its great fun...or so i am told.
I don't write shit down so I don't think I'd ever use one myself, but I can certainly understand why someone else would want/need one. makes perfect sense.
alex, i guess the one that i am getting has a calendar in it and a scheduler, i can also download documents into it (which admittedly is good, b/c if i have to change a court document at court, i can reprint it and edit it there), it also has an alarm clock in it. i told them i didnt want any games in it!
nah i dont want to get distracted by a computer game! my last roommate bought me a gameboy and then took it back because i would use it even when i was in restaurants. he wanted to kill me.
my stepdad has one and uses it a lot, but he's the head of a university math dept.

i, too, never write things down- plus i just don't feel important enough to necessitate one. people here at work have the docking stations and everything, but they're even less important than i am so i don't know what's up with that.
i do recall novemberspaul and neil kernon beaming games back and forth though.
One other useful function of the palm pilot is the ability to hot sync with your PC and upload all of your added dates to your PC's calender. Also, you can download important documents to it, so you can have a constant source to reference. Just don't let that 55 year old hot sync your i/o port and upload his data into your calender.