I have been thinking about trading my Marshall for a 5150


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2007
I have a Marshall Jcm 800 combo. I love the sounds I can get out of it for playing lead with a lil push from an overdrive pedal. But I just can't seem to get a good rthymn sound out of it without spending a fortune in pedals which I probably wont like any ways. So I was thinking on getting a 5150 theres one at a local shop(I have not had a chance to play it yet) and they said they would trade me straight across. Any body have any experience with a 5150?
Oh yeah! If you want Metal rhythm, then the 5150 will do it. If you want screaming leads, the 5150 will do it. It's a great amp for the price and is used by alot of bands. For some great 5150 tones listen to In flames- Clayman, Kreator- Violent Revolution, Older Arch Enemy and Dark Tranquillity. It is used by alot of Melodeth bands, but it really transcends the genre. It is popular for it for 2 reasons I think, it has alot of (usable) gain, and alot of grind. If that's what you want then the 5150 is your amp.

Of course, play it before you make the switch, and also, find out that the trade is a financially fair one.
definitely a good idea if you're into the heavier side of things. obviously the 5150 won't deliver a rock sound like the marshall woul....duh.
the 5150 clean channel (at least the 5150 I / 6505 version) is nothing special by the way....it's clean, and at high volumes not even that :-D however, the distortion sounds are really a benchmark for heavy, especially rhythm guitar. anything that demands a crushing rhythm tone is in there. leads are OK too, just not as singing as a marshall or mark series boogie.
basically, check out kreator - enemy of god, kataklysm - in the arms of devastation, in flames - clayman. if you like what you hear there, go for it.

btw, kreator - violent revolution was all rectifier ;-)
" We originally tracked it with the boogie but it just kept sounding to fizzy and over gained in the mix so I reamped it. We've done just 2 rhythm tracks and its given it a great mid range with the 5150."
Source: Andy Sneap on his forum at http://www.ultimatemetal.com

Taken from Noise101. I was pretty sure it was for VR, not EoG.
Thanks guys, I will definitely take my guitar with me to the store and try it before I trade. I got the Marshall for a pretty fair price. They go for about 7 to 8 hundred bucks.
Thanks Guys,

It was a great trade. I am happy with the 5150 and I can get lots of sounds out of it. It lacks the bite my Marshall had in a lead tone. But the volume is much more controllable.
try running a ts9 or some other kind of clean boost in front of it.
It will really tighten up the sound (and retube it with a tung sol re issue in V1 and JJ's the rest of the way)
it will clean it up and smooth out the distortion.
I miss my 5150 :cry:
Thanks for the suggestions Kmanick. I have heard some of you clips from another forum of you 5150 and they sounded great.
Cool, good luck with it!
I got myself a JSX head because I needed some versatility and a smoother lead tone for more
"fusiony" stuff, and I really like the JSX, but it's missing that "in your face" tone that the 5150 gives you.
I play a lot of 7 string and the JSX just isn't quite as tight sounding as the 5150.
I've got a feeling I'll be getting another one somewhere down the road. :headbang:
try Kt-77's. I've had them in mine for about 3 months now and they sound great.
I did notice though that I have to turn the amp up louder to get it to sound it's best though.
I put the EL34's back in yesterday and I'm going to fool around with it a bit to see if I can get
as good a sound at lower volumes, if not the Kt-77's will go right back in.
Hm, not sure about that to be honest. "The JJ KT77 has a slightly deeper low end than the JJ E34L and they have a nice sizzle on the top end without getting brittle and the mid range harmonic structure is very complex". That is their description on Eurotubes, and it doesn't excite me haha. I'd prefer a tighter lowend and smoother top.
Listen to Fragle he knows what hes talking about. i also spend my fair share of time picking Andy's, Fragles and alot of other peoples brains on Andys forum. Personally I am a BIG peavey fan. Especially the block letter 5150's. I recently picked up a Valve King and am really loving that aswell. The 5150 is great metal amp no matter how you slice it.
If you just want a loud amp with no frills and is totally awesome get the 5150. A lot of people are like, "Oh, it doesn't have built in reverb, or chorus, or there's no dragons that come out and blow fire up your ass if you press the dragon button" or some crap. I say, WHO CARES! You don't ever use the built in effects on amps anyways because they sound like shit. Unless it's a fender twin reverb.

IMO, the amp sounds better if your geet has active pickups. I've used a TS-9 and one of those crappy boss OD-2 pedals in my setup and they can sound killer, but beware of too much "spongy" distortion and overdrive. Although I did get a few old pickups from Chris a few years ago and they sound pretty good. They're just in an old piece of junk ibanez 7 string, but those are duncans and sound pretty smooth.

Overall, I would say it's the best bang for your buck, especially since you can get them for around $500-$600 used. Sure Mesas have more bottom end, but they're pretty pricey. Marshalls are nice, but a little more expensive and aren't as tough. One thing also that will catch your ear is how ridiculously metal (and by metal I mean awesome) the harmonics sound. It's such a different squeal through that amp.

That's all of my guitardedness for now. Good luck :kickass:
Thanks Kmanick, I am going to be experimenting with different types of tubes. The only thing I dont like about it is. Its a bitch to lug around. I have played the jsx and thought it was a killer amp. My next purchase will probably be a Marshall DSL 401, I really liked that amp when I test drove it and they are relatively cheap now.
Just checked out a 6505 yesterday...great big chunky metal amp. You don't mean the 5150 EVH/Fender thing, do you? That was 2000 for the head...the 6505 was under 1000...it's a great value! I'm a Peavey fan as well...since the late 70's. Who needs reverb for what that head was intended for anyway. I love the simplicity.

The 6505 with a BBE Green Screamer in front would be sick!

Maybe I didn't give it enough time, but I didn't find the Ultra channel on the JSX to have enough gain.