i have like, jetlag and stuff.

unfortunately at least 215 of them are work related. although i can hope for at least 2 emails about viagra i'm sure.
a bunny fight?
dude, don't ever fight a bunny. they always win.

also, my rabbit apparently had a mini breakdown while i was gone and wouldnt eat and hid under my covers and made a nest out of my clothes. we talked about it last night though and everything is okay now.
well, if two bunnies fight, the one with the pointiest ears usually wins. that's just something i've noticed.

also, yes, i have jetlag, and STUFF. stuff as in huge circles under my eyes.
if they are identical, the rabbit who tells better jokes wins.

i did have a blast in the EU zander, thanks for asking. it totally ruled.
lotsa old houses in stockholm and stuff. went to museums everywhere and even saw a little monkey eat it's own poop. overall, it was a good trip.
yea. when i get my pictures back from the trip i will find a way to post the monkeys picture. i took like 15 photos of him.